
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Power of a Mother’s Love

Francis from Quito, Ecuador, asked:

Hi Julie,

My 30-year-old son was diagnosed with schizophrenia 12 years ago. I am a single mother, and it’s been so hard for me to take care of him. We’re both suffering, and I’m very desperate. I don’t know what to do. Please help me, dear. I beg you with all the love in my heart, and the love of a mother for her son.



Dear Francis,

Bless you for the love and dedication you have for your son. I can only imagine the weight you carry.

First, I urge you to connect with a licensed therapist in Ecuador who can offer professional support. Here are some free and immediate mental health resources available to you:

  • Ministerio de Salud Pública: Call 171, extension 6 for nationwide mental health support. This service is available to everyone in Ecuador.
  • Hands & Hearts for Ecuador Foundation: This organization provides mental health care to those in need, focusing on improving the lives of vulnerable populations.
  • Local Psychological Support in Quito:
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Sur: Call 023121300, extension 602
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Norte: Call 023947333
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Centro: Call 023949077

Additionally, I took a moment to energetically connect with you and your son. In my mind’s eye, I saw what appeared to be scar tissue in his brain, which I then removed. This led me to wonder if your son might have had a concussion at some point, possibly from an accident or sports-related injury. Such trauma can sometimes exacerbate symptoms like those of schizophrenia. I encourage you to explore Dr. Daniel Amen’s recommendations on healing concussions.

You are obviously an extraordinary mother, Francis. I hope this information brings you some hope and comfort.

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Pathway to the Afterlife

Debbie from Boise, ID, asked:

Hi Julie,

Since my husband passed two years ago, I’ve been communicating with him using a 3-way lamp. He uses different numbers of flashes for yes and no, which has been incredibly comforting.

Recently, I had an unsettling experience with what felt like a negative spirit. It held me down so I couldn’t move until I demanded it leave my home and never return. It left immediately.

I’m concerned that this spirit might have come through the lamp, like a portal. Is my husband somehow connected to this? I don’t have anyone else to discuss this with, and I’ve never experienced anything like it before.

Thank you for any insight you can provide.


Hi Debbie,

I’m deeply sorry for your husband’s passing and I’m delighted you’ve found a way to stay connected with his spirit.

Regarding the experience with what you perceived as a “negative” spirit, it’s important to understand that your body likely went into what’s called the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response. This is a natural, involuntary reaction to perceived threats, driven by our body’s hard-wired response to fear.

When we encounter something unfamiliar, whether it’s a rational or irrational fear, our bodies can respond by:

  • Fighting to eliminate the threat,
  • Fleeing to escape the danger,
  • Or freezing, which makes us immobile.

I believe the freeze response is what you experienced.

Since all spirits are pure love, there’s no such thing as an “evil” or “negative” spirit. What you felt was likely a new, unfamiliar energy frequency that triggered your parasympathetic nervous system to go into this protective mode. By commanding the perceived spirit to leave, you regained a sense of control, allowing your body to relax.

As for your husband’s involvement, I believe he was indeed part of this experience. He might have been presenting a higher vibration to you, one that will allow you to communicate with him more easily, even without the lamp. When your body sensed this unfamiliar vibration, it reacted by entering the fight, flight, or freeze mode.

You can learn to raise your vibration and communicate more easily with any spirit, including your husband’s, by taking one of my classes.

I hope my explanation informs and comforts you.

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Guiding Your Soul’s Transition

Mary Anne from Sunderland, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m currently reading your Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next book, and I’m loving every page. Your dedication to serving others through your experiences is truly inspiring.

I have a question I assume you’ve encountered before: Not all mothers can provide the love and support their children need, often due to their own trauma. The thought of my abusive mother orchestrating my soul’s passing is deeply unsettling and triggers fear in me. She was neither physically nor emotionally safe. Can our souls choose the ancestral entourage that attends our death?

I’ve always felt closer to my father and paternal grandmother, so I’d prefer they guide me through this transition.

I appreciate your wisdom on this subject.

Thank you,

Mary Anne

Hi Mary Anne,

Thank you for your kind words about Angelic Attendants. I’m glad it’s resonating with you.

Your question touches on a deeply personal and sensitive topic, and it’s one I’ve encountered many times. It’s completely understandable to feel uneasy about the idea of your mother, who caused you harm, being part of your soul’s transition process.

In my experience, all spirits embody pure love, free from the personality traits they had in life. When we pass, our earthly personalities—whether they were nurturing or abusive—remain with our physical bodies.

To help put this into perspective, imagine life as a movie where each of us plays a role that contributes to the growth of our souls. Some roles are kind and supportive, while others are challenging and painful. It’s possible that in a past life, you, your mother, and your maternal grandmother played very different roles, perhaps even reversing the dynamic of abuser and victim.

The key takeaway is that when we experience what we don’t want, it helps us clarify and create what we do want in our lives. This could mean that your soul has chosen to shape a life that completely contrasts with the one you knew as a child.

Moreover, I’ve often heard from many spirits that once we return to Heaven, the complexities and hardships of our earthly lives will make perfect sense. You may even find yourself appreciating your mother’s role in your soul’s journey, understanding it as a catalyst for your growth.

Please feel free to share a free digital and audiobook download of Angelic Attendants with anyone who might find comfort and insight from it.

P.S. – When you’re dying, your dad, paternal grandmother, and the spirits of many other deceased loved ones and pets will also be there to welcome you to Heaven!

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Spiritual and Physical Healing

Suzette from London, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

For the past three years I have suffered excruciating pain in my knees, heels, and now my left thumb.

Arthritic bones are growing on my thumbs and index fingers and are painful when I bend them.

Are these pains related to one of my past lives?

Can you please connect remotely to heal me?

Much appreciated.


Hi Suzette,

Thank you for your question.

While past life experiences can influence our current lives, arthritis and most pain are often caused by inflammation, which can originate in the gut or result from environmental toxins. I believe this is what’s happening with you.

Per your request, I connected to you energetically and “saw” (in my mind’s eye), inflammation covering your whole body, appearing as a red fog. I used anti-inflammatory (royal blue) energy to calm it down, which should help relieve your pain.

It also seems you may have mold exposure and yeast overgrowth, contributing to “leaky gut.” Do you have a water leak in your home or workplace? Do you experience gas, bloating, brain fog, or other chronic symptoms?

Through Spirit working with me, I removed the mold and yeast overgrowth and healed your intestinal lining. This process can integrate instantly or over time and will require complementary care, including diet and lifestyle changes.

To learn more, I recommend Dr. Neil Nathan’s material. He is an expert in treating similar issues. Meanwhile, consider working with Dr. Maria Amasanti in London to help heal your gut and arthritis, ultimately alleviating your pain.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Past Life Influence on Health

Sue from North Richland Hills, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve struggled with migraines for most of my life, and they’ve recently escalated into debilitating vestibular migraines with daily dizziness. I’m seeing a neurologist and taking medication, but it’s not without its challenges.

Could a past life issue be influencing this?



Hi Sue,

I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles with migraines and dizziness. It’s great that you’ve found a specialist and are exploring medical options.

Considering past life influences often provides valuable insight since there’s always an emotional component with every medical condition.

In your case, you were a Tibetan monk in 1537 living at the Zhalu Monastery in Tsang. In my mind’s eye I “saw” you in an incense-filled, damp, moldy room.

This suggests you may be sensitive to scents and possibly exposed to mold in your current environment. Often, past lives have a semblance of a script playing out in our current life.

In the meantime, here’s an interview with Neil Nathan, MD, a physician who specializes in healing from mold exposure. You may find some helpful information there.

Hope you feel better soon!



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Parenting Through Identity Challenges

Heather from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I discovered texts on my 14-year-old’s phone where his friend asked if his parents knew he was gay, and he replied ‘obviously not.’ Knowing I have access, I felt guided to talk to him lovingly about it to prevent any suffering. However, he responded with ‘I don’t know’ and asked me not to tell Dad. I feel weighed down by this.

Any guidance you can offer would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Heather,

It sounds like you’re navigating a sensitive and heartfelt situation with great care and concern for your son. It’s understandable to feel weighed down by his response and the complexities involved. Here are some thoughts:

  1. Create a Safe Space: Continue to reassure your son that you love and support him unconditionally. Let him know that your primary concern is his well-being and happiness.
  2. Respect Boundaries: While it’s natural to want to discuss this with your spouse, honor your son’s request for privacy unless there’s an immediate concern for his safety or well-being.
  3. Seek Support: Consider reaching out to support groups and licensed therapists/counselors specializing in LGBTQ+ issues for guidance on how best to support your son during this time.
  4. Spiritual Guidance: Trust your intuition and spiritual beliefs to guide you in providing love, acceptance, and understanding to your son.

Remember, this is a journey that requires patience and empathy. Your openness and willingness to support your son emotionally will be invaluable as he navigates his identity and relationships.



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Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Nokulunga from Durban, Mandeni, South Africa, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m fascinated by your podcasts and your work!

Could you please help me find my life’s purpose? I feel like I’m not living up to my potential and that I’m missing my true calling.

I have dreams I can’t decipher, like hearing the word “intalong” in my sleep. It feels significant, but I’m unsure how it connects to my purpose.

Thank you for your guidance.


Hi Nokulunga,

Thank you for your kind comments.

It’s wonderful to hear that you’re eager to discover your life’s mission. Your dreams and intuition are powerful tools that can guide you on this journey.

I suggest starting by exploring your dreams and paying attention to any recurring themes or symbols. Sometimes, our subconscious communicates important messages through dreams.

Additionally, take some time for introspection and meditation to connect with your inner self and listen to your intuition. What are your passions, talents, and the things that bring you joy and fulfillment? Those are always important cues for us to consider. As the late American writer Joseph Campbell said, “Follow Your Bliss!”

If you’d like, we can also chat with your spirit guides to provide further insight into your life’s purpose. Here’s a link to my calendar to schedule an appointment.

Trust that you’re exactly where you need to be on your path, and with patience and self-discovery, you’ll uncover your unique mission. Everyone has one!


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Intuitive Kids: Are They Really Seeing Spirits?

Bertha from Las Cruces, NM, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love your YouTube podcast!

I have a six-year-old grandson who, during a sleepover, told me, “Your mom’s soul is behind you.” From his description, it was my biological mom. It did freak me out a bit, and I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on what she might want to convey or warn me about?



Hi Bertha,

Great question!

Children have a natural ability to see and communicate with spirits, and adults do too! Intuitive abilities are something everyone is born with, and, it’s about developing and enhancing them. That’s a component of what I teach in my classes.

Often, information children receive from spirits can be verified through historical records or by talking to friends and family who knew the person during their lifetime.

Kids often begin to ignore their intuitive skills around age seven when they’re told that it’s just their imagination.

If you’re curious about intuitive abilities in children, I recommend my children’s Angel Messages picture books which explain and validate these abilities in a way that’s easy to understand.

As for your biological mother, she wanted you to know she’s always around you, supporting and guiding you.

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Unveiling My Buffet of Psychicness™

Jillian from Biloxi, MS, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m curious to know how you became a medical intuitive. Did you receive training from someone?

I’m interested in learning more about this field myself.

Thank you for sharing.


Hi Jillian,

Thank you for asking about my journey.

My interest in healing began during my years as an inventor and manufacturer of surgical devices. My first encounter with medical intuition was through Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PhD, who calls herself a medical intuitive. Dr. Myss’ work opened my eyes to a new way of healing, which led me to read Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, PhD. In her book, Dr. Brennan simplifies quantum healing for everyday people like us.

I then spent six years studying energy healing, which gave me the foundation to perform thousands of medical scans and energy healings. Now, I teach these principles and my whole Buffet of Psychicness™ in my Angelic Attendant Training.

If you’re interested in learning, the next class is on May 18-19, 2024 via Zoom. It’s my only live online training for the year. Join us to unlock your innate skills!

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