Terisa from Nashville, TN, asked:
Hi Julie,
I just listened to your Positivehead Podcast interview with Brandon Beachum and have to say it blew my mind.
You do some truly fascinating work! Thank you, thank you for doing what you’re doing. I think one day I’d love to get one of those “spiritual tune-ups”.
I stopped by your website to check out the 12 Phases of Transition graphics you mentioned. Such interesting visuals! I sensed some of that going on when I was present for the passing of a loved one.
A burning question I had about the 12 phases you laid out is, how does this play out for sudden and unexpected deaths like accidents, bombings, and even suicides?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With love and eternal light, Terisa
Hi Terisa,
Thanks for listening to my interview with Brandon and for your kind comments. What a great question you’ve posed.
Here’s the answer. Everyone goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition regardless of how they die.
In the case of sudden death like a homicide, suicide, accident, etc., the progression through all 12 phases can happen in an instant. In other situations, the 12 phases can take days, weeks, months, even years. It’s all determined by the person’s spirit and what it wants to experience in this lifetime.
Keep in mind, our concept of time, what’s known as linear time, is man-made. It doesn’t exist in the non-physical spirit world. It’s certainly feasible that 100 years in our time is a nanosecond in non-physical.
For more information, please read or listen to my book, Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This World Into The Next.
4 thoughts on “Sudden Passings”
Just listened to your podcast #161 with Brandon Beachum and thought it was very inspiring. Can’t wait to do one of those random selection things to listen to one of his over 900 podcasts. I am sure that my higher self will direct me to the right one to listen to as it did with this one. Listening to your podcast brought up two points that I think might be of interest.:
1. When you commented about the Yellow Brick Road and the Wizard of Oz it reminded me of a book by Father Nathan Castle called “And Toto, To: The Wizard of Oz as a Spiritual Journey.” Father Nathan does an excellent job of examining the deep meaning behind this classical children’s story and all its characters. I think your listeners would find it well worth their time to read especially if they were fans of the movie growing up like Father Nathan and his family were.
2. Brandon’s comment at the end when you asked why he did what he did reminded me of something that I learned at a recent retreat that I attended and that is “You will be awakened when you know in your heart that every thought/feeling you have ever had and every person/place/situation you have ever encountered has just been a different aspect of Source placed in your path to allow you to realize that you are the light. ”
I am taking your Angelic Attendants course now and loving it. Have talked to several of the students and all agree that we have been drawn to this course for a reason. Don’t know that any of us realized what “Raising our vibration” really meant but we are certainly finding out. Many Thanks to you.
Thanks Don! Thrilled you’re in our Angelic Attendant Class.
I tried to call in and waited for about 45 minutes until my phone battery died , wanted to ask about what has happened to my Canadian friend and it’s hard with not getting an answer. I don’t know what happened to her , she just stopped communicating. Being in limbo is the toughest thing. Maybe I would do better to see if there is a death certificate I can request. Then I’ll know.
Please try calling into the show again on a Thursday night. If you call in a few minutes early, I’ll get you in the queue and be sure to get you on.
Hugs ~
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