Julie Ryan

Spiritual Career Advice

Paige from Baxter, MN, asked:

Hi Julie,

Long time listener here reaching out from snowy Minnesota! I love listening to your podcasts and would appreciate your insight.

I am struggling at my current job and no longer feel like a vibrational match for the work I do. I feel stuck. I know that I can go out and find an alternate career to make money, but at this point I am truly looking for something that brings me fulfilment and joy rather than just a paycheck.

I am currently working for a Real Estate agency doing things such as marketing and agent training, along with a bunch of miscellaneous tasks. I have been doing my best to stay positive and be open to new opportunities but nothing has quite piqued my curiosity. My gut tells me it is in my best interest to leave my current position at this agency.

Would you or my guides have any advice for me in this instance?

Thank you, and much love!


Hi Paige,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show.

If you were a trust fund baby and had more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime, what would you do for fun? Would you travel, start some type of philanthropy, or become a champion rock climber?

The first thoughts that enter your mind will be a clue from spirit (God, your spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, etc.) for how to proceed.

Every day we humans receive lots of spiritual guidance in the form of thoughts. Some thoughts feel bad or don’t make sense to us while others feel neutral or good. Thoughts that feel good are called intuition and are ideas/guidance from spirit.

Most intuitive thoughts go unheeded. We think them and either let them go intending to address these ideas at another time, or, we immediately think of why we can’t act on them.

For example, say you get a thought to visit Rome and you immediately think of reasons why you can’t go. You don’t speak Italian, don’t know anyone in Rome, don’t have the money to pay for a plane ticket, hotel and meals, and don’t have anyone to go with you. You get the idea.

So, to help you manifest your new career, pay attention to what interests and excites you. What do you want to learn more about? Then take a step in the direction of your interest. It may be as simple as visiting a website, reading a book, or watching a YouTube video on the subject.

You’ll be led to the next step and the one after that and so on. Trust everything is unfolding perfectly in the most optimal way and time. Expect the people and circumstances to show up right when you need them and they will. Stay focused on what you want not how you’ll get it. When we allow, our wishes can materialize in sometimes magical ways. When we try to control how or when something can or will happen, we block experiences that can be even better than what we’d imagined.

Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” I agree. The most important part of creating anything, including an amazing career for yourself, is to take action. Follow your interests and be open to where the journey leads you.

P.S. – Stay at your current job until you have another source of income to take its place!

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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