Julie Ryan

Spirit Message or Imagination?

Judy from La Marque, TX, asks:

Hi Julie,

This past June, my brother-in-law passed away from blood sepsis. My husband was always helping him with errands and doctor’s appointments. He was very needy and would often wink at me when we met.

At his funeral, as I approached the casket and looked at his corpse, I saw him wink at me. I thought, “No way!” He had been gone for three weeks to a month by then.

Julie, did he really wink at me? And if so, why?



Hi Judy,

Your experience at the funeral sounds both unsettling and intriguing. It’s not uncommon for vivid memories of a loved one’s gestures, like a wink, to manifest during moments of intense emotion, such as at a funeral. This phenomenon is often more of a psychological reflection, where the mind replays a familiar and comforting action the person used to do.

However, from a spiritual perspective, moments like these can be seen as a sign from the spirit world. Many believe that our loved ones find ways to communicate with us after they’ve passed, often using gestures that were characteristic of them in life. In your case, the wink could very well have been your brother-in-law’s spirit reaching out to you, letting you know he is present and at peace.

When I asked your brother-in-law, he told me that’s exactly what happened because he knew you could perceive his spirit and, more importantly, that you would believe his message. He said that by using his body to wink at you, he was sending reassurance and a reminder of the special connection you shared.

It’s important to reflect on how this experience feels to you. If it brought you comfort or a sense of closeness to him, embrace it as a meaningful sign. I encourage you to accept the wink as a positive message from your brother-in-law, offering you a sense of peace and to help you with your grieving process.

Sending big hugs!


1 thought on “Spirit Message or Imagination?”

  1. Chenzenglo@yahoo.com

    Thank you! Julie. What a wonderful spiritual experience for Judy. “He said that by using his body to wink at you, he was sending reassurance and a reminder of the special connection you shared.”. this is so wonderful. A friend of ours in Texas encountered the same thing when he attended his grandma’s funeral where Grandma smiled at him in the coffin. He told all other relatives at the funeral. Well, this friend has a gift also to see Virgin Mary when he was only a child.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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