Julie Ryan

Spirit Communication: Sacred or Sinful?

Mary from Terre Haute, IN, asked:

Hi Julie,

I find your information interesting.

I am a member of a church that speaks against spirit communications.

I am treading lightly but I have had spiritual experiences of my own and I don’t think they were evil.

Can you shed some light on the subject?  

Thank you,


Hi Mary,

Great question! It’s one I’m frequently asked.

The intersection of spirituality and religious doctrine can often be complex terrain to navigate. It’s fairly common for individuals to encounter moments that feel deeply spiritual yet may not align perfectly with the teachings of their religious community.

I find it amusing when religions espouse prayer and then say spirit communication is wrong. Seems like an oxymoron to me. After all, to whom are you praying? God, Jesus, Buddha, a saint or angel, a deceased loved one? They’re all spirits!

And then there’s that little matter of the Bible and other religious and holy texts. They’re full of stories about people talking with God, angels, the Holy Spirit, etc. Was that sinful? I don’t think so!

It’s my belief that everyone communicates with spirit all day long. We may just not be aware of it or acknowledge where that guidance arriving via our thoughts originates. It’s coming from spirit.

When you hear something, pay attention to how it feels. Intuition, also known as a gut feeling, is an internal GPS system we all possess and it’s there to guide us. Follow it and utilize my Two-Minute Rule® technique to help you differentiate between real and fake fears.


3 thoughts on “Spirit Communication: Sacred or Sinful?”

  1. Hola Julie! Escuché tu entrevista con Alex, en Next Level Soul y me encantó tu mensaje positivo y optimista. Creo que podemos comunicarnos con seres queridos fallecidos, en una oportunidad mi hermano fallecido me despertó cuando mi hija tenía mucha fiebre. Lo escuché claramente, me dijo que tenía que despertarme porque mi hija necesitaba de mi atención. Cuando fui a verla tenía 40 °, le dí un baño para bajar la temperatura y el remedio, mejoró en pocos minutos.
    Mi nombre es Cristina y sufro zumbido permanente en los oídos hace 13 años, cada vez son más intensos y difíciles de tolerar. En muchas ocasiones con dolor intenso de cabeza. Me gustaría saber qué puedo hacer para solucionarlo.
    Mi hijo Jeremías de 18 años tiene ansiedad desde los 4 años, y ahora se le sumó una severa depresión. Estoy muy preocupada y quiero ayudarlo, es muy joven, muy bueno, cariñoso, comprensivo, es capaz de sentir empatía hacia cualquier ser, es muy especial. Ahora se siente sin estímulo, sin incentivo, sin interés, está muy deprimido. De pequeño siempre sufrió discriminación por parte de sus compañeros de estudio, no tiene amigos. Quisiera saber si me puedes ayudar para descubrir qué camino tomar para poder ayudarlo. Muchas gracias Julie por leer mi mensaje.

  2. Juanita Barnett

    I, for one, appreciate this validation of my feelings about spirit communication, Julie. It seems to me that prophets were the same as what we refer to today as mediums. And even in biblical times, there were false prophets and true prophets! But, as you said, we need to tread softly around church friends because they’ve usually been indoctrinated that all spirit communication is evil and of the devil.

  3. Angie Thompson

    I come from the same belief system and let me tell you I have given that up! If it were not for people who practice mediumship I would be drowning in grief over losing my husband of 44 years. I have found nothing but love and compassion from these folks and there is nothing evil about them. I agree you must go by your intuition.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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