
Julie Ryan

Raynaud’s Syndrome

Phyllis from Galway, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

Do I have Raynaud’s syndrome?

Hi Phyllis,

Since I hadn’t ever heard of this condition, I decided to do some research on it.

Before I learned about Raynaud’s, I connected to you and did a quick medical scan on you.

Your body is very inflamed and has a layer of what looked like white pus on top of the inflammation.

Interestingly enough, however, I wasn’t picking up any type of viral or bacterial infection, nor did I get that you’d been exposed to environmental toxins.

When I asked about the white pus, I “got” it was your leucocytes (white blood cells) that had been mobilized. I also “got” there was some type of miscue happening within your immune system.

Armed with that information, I did a quick Google search. The Mayo Clinic website said Raynaud’s syndrome is when arteries to your fingers and toes go into vasospasm when exposed to cold or stress, narrowing your vessels and temporarily limiting blood supply.

If you have cold hands and feet, I “got” it may be caused by a lack of Vitamins C and E along with not enough Omega 3s.

Once again, I asked Google. When I typed in “cold hands feet vitamin c e omega 3”, I found a lot of information about increasing Vitamins C&E and Omega 3s to cure this condition.

Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD’s site said, “Omega-3 fatty acids reduce arterial wall inflammation and to use Vitamin C to retard the progression of arterial disease.”

Bottom line … I believe you do have Raynaud’s syndrome and that you can heal from it. In the short run, you may want to try the supplements mentioned above.

In addition, I believe a functional medicine physician can help you figure out the cause of your symptoms and help you get rid of them. To find a functional medicine doctor in your area, please search Functional Medicine Ireland online. There are several links to physicians and Irish functional medicine academies and associations.

Hope this information helps.

Happy New Year!