Julie Ryan

Postnatal Mystery

Cat from Ibiza, Spain, asked:

Hi Julie,

Tuned in to Dr. Northrup’s show on Hay House radio for the first time today and was fascinated by your interview.

Can you please psychically tune in to both me and our house here in Ibiza?

I had a wonderful pregnancy and although a planned home water birth ended up being a day at the hospital with an emergency C-section, my physical/emotional response to this disappointment has lasted two years.

I don’t believe this to be simply postnatal depression or fallout from the postpartum Thyroiditis or adrenal fatigue I experienced. There’s more to it. But even as a Reiki master, I can’t get to the bottom of it … nor has anyone else been able to.

I’d be deeply appreciative of your assistance.


Hi Cat,

Thanks for your question and for your kind words about my interview with Dr. Northrup.

In order to get some information for you, I did a medical scan and energetically connected to you in Spain. Once I got a picture of you (in my mind’s eye), I was able to see (again in my mind’s eye), that you were very low in estrogen. You looked like a woman in menopause. To help you feel better, I added energetic estrogen to your body and you immediately responded and looked healthy.

Since having a baby and being in menopause at the same time didn’t make sense to me, I decided to call Christine Paoletti, MD, MS, FACOG, my personal OB/GYN (who now specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy-BHRT), for her thoughts about what I was seeing with regard to your situation.

Dr. Paoletti, who has been an OB/GYN for many decades said, “During breast feeding, women’s hormones are negligible”. She went on to say, “The new mother’s body produces prolactin (a hormone enabling females to produce breast milk) which causes a major decrease in estrogen and that adrenal fatigue makes all hormone levels decrease”.

In addition, Dr. Paoletti said she has seen with her patients that, “Having a baby later in life (late 30’s, early 40’s and older), can contribute to an earlier onset of menopause”.

Based on what I saw when scanning you combined with this information from Dr. Paoletti, I believe you’re in need of hormones. It seems as if you’re being affected by post-natal and menopausal conditions.

Having said all that, my recommendation is to eat a whole foods diet (if God made it … eat it, if man made it … avoid it), get as much sleep as possible, and find a physician to help you with BHRT.

I know all of this sounds easier said than done, however, right now, your priority needs to be you (and your baby), so you can feel well again.

Hope this information helps.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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