Julie Ryan

Pope Clement VI

Tiffanie from Houston, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

I understand Pope Clement is one of your guides and he was the pope during the plague and pardoned all those who perished for their sins.

I’d be interested to get his take on our current pandemic.

From his higher perspective, what were some of the spiritual lessons learned for the people of his time, and what does he see as the spiritual insights we can gain in our time?

How does he view our current medical interventions, political handling, global communications and responses, etc.?

Any insight on why this is here for us now, and how we can deal with it in the most positive way for the highest good of all would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi Tiffanie,

You are correct, Pope Clement VI (Clement) is my main spirit guide and was pope in the 14th century during the Black Plague when two-thirds of Europe died. I’ve read the pandemic was so devastating, it took 300 years for the population to return to pre-plague levels.

Although he’s best known for his prayers for the dying and dead, Pope Clement was very involved in helping all people, not just Catholics. He consulted with the best physicians and astronomers of his day and strategized with them about how to stop the spread of the disease. This included clearing the streets (similar to our current social distancing/stay-at-home measures) and consecrating the Rhone River so infected corpses could be thrown in the water and carried to the Mediterranean. At that time, the Holy See (Vatican) was located in Avignon, France.

When Jews were being blamed for the pandemic and Roman Catholics across Europe began killing Jews, Clement condemned the violence, issued papal bulls (decrees) and had his clergy spread the message that those blaming Jews were being seduced by the devil. His interventions worked and stopped further killings.

Lastly, Clement was so progressive, he granted the forgiveness of sins to all people who died from the plague regardless of gender, race, age or religious beliefs.

Sounds like Clement was way more than a religious leader, he was a statesman way ahead of his time.

When I asked Clement what he thought about the current pandemic, he said, “It’s a blip on the history of the world but it sure has gotten everyone’s attention.” He went on to say, “Many blessings are happening as a result of countries, their governments and citizens all working together for a common cause. New advancements in medicine, communication channels, protocols, commerce, and innovation in many sectors of business and society have been realized. Best of all, however, is the goodwill of mankind is on full display. Regardless of race, nationality, religion, socioeconomic status and the like, people are once again valuing each other in a way that hasn’t ever been seen before. That’s mainly because your technological advances allow information to circulate the globe with ease. The key now is, how will the world utilize the lessons learned from this relatively short period of time? Will it foster cooperation among nations for the health and betterment of all people? This can be done while focusing on the best interests of each civilization. The key is, when doing what is in the highest good of all, the results realized are better than expected outcomes warrant. Fear is a powerful motivator while love reigns supreme.”

Thanks for asking such timely and thought-provoking questions.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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