Julie Ryan

Awakening YOUR Inner Writer: EMBRACING Creativity for Personal & SPIRITUAL Growth! With Lisa Tener – #457

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In this episode:

Ever wondered about the magic behind successful book writing and publishing? We unravel this mystery with Lisa Tener, an award-winning author and coach, who generously shares her expertise in proposal development, self-publishing, and ghostwriting. Lisa also brings us into the world of Qigong and its power to enhance creativity, providing a fascinating insight into the S-curve technique to connect with our essence and set intentions for our projects.

Delve deeper into the world of publishing as we discuss the significance of having a platform, identifying potential agents, and crafting compelling book proposals. Get firsthand experience from Lisa on working with different publishers and the essential role of an intellectual property attorney. Ever thought about writing a book but feel you lack the skills? We address this concern too, discussing the role of ghostwriters and the power of storytelling, emphasizing that a strong desire is key to bring your book to life.

Lastly, we explore the transformative benefits of journaling for personal growth, creativity, and self-expression and introduce an interactive book called “Writing Journal” that offers prompts and resources to ignite your creative spark. Undoubtedly, this episode is a treasure trove of valuable insights for aspiring authors and anyone seeking to unleash their creativity. Listen in, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Guest Biography:

Lisa Tener is an award-winning author, book writing and publishing coach, and speaker. Her recent book, The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Daywon five prestigious awards including the Nautilus Book Award. Lisa received the Stevie Award for Coach/Mentor and has helped thousands of writers tap into their creativity and publish. Her clients have signed 5- and 6-figure book deals with Hachette, Random House and other top publishers. Lisa is quoted in the New York TimesBoston Globe, Vice, and appeared on national and local TV, including PBS.

Lisa is a graduate of my Angelic Attendant Training.

📣 Lisa Tener’s website:


Episode Chapters with Short Key Points:

(0:00:01) – Writing and Publishing Books

Lisa Tener shares her expertise on book writing and proposal development, discussing traditional and self-publishing options.

(0:15:16) – Accessing Creative Essence Through Clearing

Qigong helps access essence and creativity, clearing inorganic chi and staying connected for better writing and communication.

(0:32:17) – Ghost Writers for Celebrities

Lisa Tener, a book coach and author, shares her experience helping doctors write books and the importance of determination and desire.

(0:45:07) – Power of Storytelling and Publishing

Nature’s storytelling, personal anecdotes, mechanics of publishing, J.K. Rowling’s rejections, and contacting publishers directly.

(0:48:46) – Publishing Industry

Nature’s publishing world: types of publishers, platform importance, finding agents, polished proposals, and role of intellectual property attorney.

(0:58:22) – Writing Journal

Journaling is a versatile tool for self-expression and personal growth, with prompts and QR codes for creativity and connection.

Episode Transcript

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