Julie Ryan

Past Life Blockages

Harpreet from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am not able to have a stable life journey. Every 7 to 9 years I start over not only career wise but I move countries. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)

But I would like guidance on how to remove past life blockages and live the best life I can before I leave this body.

Thanks for your guidance.


Hi Harpreet,

Most of us have heard of past life blocks and believe they affect us in a negative way. I have a different opinion about the subject.

Yes, we all live many, many lifetimes. Information we glean from past life regressions and scans are often validated with historical data.

In each life, we explore a multitude of general ideas or concepts, similar to a script. For example, we may decide to incarnate and experience what it’s like to be a teacher.

Now, there are countless ways to teach. It can be in a classroom, corporate, or environmental setting. You can teach as an author of a book, a parent, a grandparent, coach, or dog trainer, each life in a different gender, different country and timeline. You get the idea.

In each life we realize new experiences that expand our spirit. All lifetimes give us the opportunity to look at similar situations from a different perspective.

My favorite past life analogy is to think of Hamlet. How may times has that play been performed since Shakespeare wrote it in 1603? Who knows! But think about the different countries, languages, actors, costumers, set designers, etc. involved, not to mention what was happening in the world at that moment in history. The same script was used, each time with a different perspective. Past lives are the same.

Regarding your life’s journey, it has and is unfolding perfectly. Your adventures in multiple careers and living in different countries has led you to experience a life your spirit wanted to explore.

We create our lives with our thoughts so all you have to do is think of what is exciting, joyful and fun and you’ll create a life filled with those concepts. There’s no need to clear anything from a past life. Everything has led you to where you are now which is allowing you to live your best life.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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