Julie Ryan

Ouija Board Experience

Chrissy from New Port Richey, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a quick question. When I was younger, (in middle school), I used a Ouija board.

For three Saturdays in a row, I felt an energy pass through me as I went to bed and it was difficult to get out of it. It almost felt like I was being possessed lol.

During these occurrences, I saw a witch being hung, heard someone whispering under my bed about her notebook, and the room was spinning with colors. I moved my body a lot to stop the visions and sensations. When I threw the Ouija board away, it all stopped.

I’m curious if others have had similar experiences. As a kid, I’ve seen ghosts and heard voices, but the feeling I had when it felt like someone came through me was scary.



Hi Chrissy,

What a great question!

Most of us have either played with or at least heard of Ouija boards and the associated warnings and ghost stories that go along with them.

Your question piqued my interest about the history of this “game”. Where did it originate, does it have some kind of special powers, and does it really enable or even enhance spirit communication?

Here’s what I learned …

In an article titled, “The Strange and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board”, Smithsonian Magazine said, “The Ouija board came straight out of the American 19th century obsession with spiritualism, the belief that the dead are able to communicate with the living.”

The article went on to say, “The spiritualism movement offered solace in an era when the average lifespan was less than 50. Women died in childbirth; children died of disease; and men died in war. Even Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of the venerable president, conducted séances in the White House after their 11-year-old son died of a fever in 1862. During the Civil War, spiritualism gained adherents in droves, people desperate to connect with loved ones who’d gone away to war and never come home.”

As a result, an alphabet board (called Ouija – meaning Good Luck) was invented (and patented on February 10, 1891) to help people communicate with the deceased. Back then, no one thought it was strange to talk with the dead. It was an accepted practice.

At one point in the late 1960’s and average of 2 million Ouija boards, seen as a fun game, were sold annually, even outselling Monopoly.

That all changed in 1973 when The Exorcist, a horror movie, was released. In the film, a young girl, while playing with a Ouija board, becomes possessed by an evil spirit and requires an exorcism by a Catholic priest.

Now to what happened to you …

First, all spirits are pure love. I don’t believe in evil spirits, rather, I believe the evil spirit concept was propagated by religions, cultures, and governments to control the masses.

For you, I believe the Ouija board acted as a conduit or tool, much like a pendulum, talisman, crystal, that raised your vibration level and allowed you to access the spirit world more easily.

Furthermore, since our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, your belief in the efficacy of the Ouija board, put you on a high vibrational frequency (much like a radio channel) that permitted you to intuitively “see”, “hear”, “feel” and “know” spiritual energy/information, and that validated your belief.

Whether or not we realize it, we all have the capacity to communicate with any spirit at any time. We’re born with this ability and do it a lot. It’s just when we receive information from spirit, we normally discount it and chock it up to our imagination.

Hope this explanation clarifies things for you.

To learn how to purposely raise your vibrational level and communicate with and receive information and guidance from spirit, check out my Angelic Attendant Training.

4 thoughts on “Ouija Board Experience”

  1. Grace Valentine

    Truer words…Julie, when we spoke you voiced the messages for a few of my relatives in exactly the words they would’ve used. I’m a linguist with ears for this stuff- the book about my family is not fiction, but it is recovered from spirit. The only fear I have of Ouija is getting caught with it by my Mormon neighbors. After reading this piece I’m looking for one.❤️

    1. Haha … hope you find one. I was interested to learn it was patented. I know how hard that is since I have several patents myself.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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