
Julie Ryan

Navigating Grief and Guilt

Martha from Boston, MA, asked:

Dear Julie, 

I am a mother of two children who survived the mass shooting at the school in Nashville, TN, on March 27th, 2023. 

I feel I had warnings and carry guilt, believing I should have been able to prevent this. 

Do you have insight into those possible signs and what I was meant to do with them? 

Thank you, 


Hi Martha, 

I’m deeply sorry for what you and your family have been through. The feelings of guilt and the belief that you could have done something are heavy burdens to bear. It’s important to understand that the universe often sends us signs not to prevent tragedies, but to prepare us and to strengthen our resolve.  

Trust that your intuition guided you to protect your children in the best way you could. Now, allow yourself to grieve and heal, knowing that your love and presence are the greatest gifts you can offer. 

Sending a big hug your way! 


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