Anytime I’m feeling unsettled, like now with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and all the fear it elicits, I remember something an extraordinary woman told me about twenty years ago.
The late Countess Vera Teleki was the mother of one of my best friends … Dudi. An Austrian citizen, she was forced to flee her homeland during World War II in order to escape the Nazis who were responsible for the death of her first husband.
Secretly arriving in Budapest with her three small children and no money, she eventually found a job, met, fell in love with and married Count Charles Teleki who had three children of his own. They went on to have two more children together, my friend Dudi being the youngest.
After a couple of years, the Nazis invaded Hungary and overtook the Teleki’s castle and estate (100 rooms on 6,000 acres – I’ve seen the photographs) letting them live in three rooms. When the Allies defeated the Nazis and the Russians moved in, the combined family was forced to leave their home, wealth and all of their possessions. They eventually immigrated to Canada and settled at a dilapidated farm outside of Toronto because that was all they could afford.
Countess Teleki’s World War II experience was horrific on so many levels, it made the Von Trapp Family memoirs (on which the Sound of Music was based), seem tame.
When I asked the Countess how she coped in the toughest of times, she said, “I go outside.” She went on to explain how she always found comfort just being in nature. The trees, breeze, grass, mountains, flowers, etc. were a constant presence that convinced her regardless how horrible a situation was, it would eventually pass and all would be well again.
Turns out the ultraviolet light of the sun has potent healing properties. Joseph Fair, PhD, a virologist and epidemiologist calls sunlight “nature’s greatest disinfectant” because its ultraviolet light inactivates bacteria and viruses.
In addition, many studies have shown exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels enhancing the immune system and raises serotonin levels helping people avoid depression.
So, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, do what the Countess Teleki did, go outside. Look at the trees, plants and flowers, breathe fresh air, get some sunshine, and let nature help you disinfect yourself and feel better.
12 thoughts on “Nature Heals”
Very Inspiring, Julie!
Every AM, right at dawn– I get my Nature walk and make my melatonin for the day. My time to do a walking mediation, practice a mantra, do deep breathing– talk to God– get some standing yoga in. And of course make endorphins and enjoy living in a rural environment– looking at flowers, smelling the fresh sage…
I have had on my desktop an email to send to you to ask why we are not using UV light to disinfect hospitals, planes and cruise ships? — we need to roll up our sleeves to see what kind of medical devices we can make to support our healthcare workers– first responders– all the way down to the public.
I have 2 filters– an IQ Air, and HiTech UV filter “Air Reactor”– which kills MRSA.
I feel confident about the CV and am thinking I should help others w/ my knowledge:
I have a PFT of 132% at age 65– due to my use of a breathing prompt I made and have used for 10 years. I made it to control my severe OSA. I have CVID– on IVIG every 3 weeks. It was 32 yrs past symptoms that I was diagnosed. Never had any of the usual respiratory problems, as I have done yoga and mediation and been a Nature-baby — organic,etc. . I always thought no one but a nut like me would take the time to use this breathing prompt. But maybe it has application. I went thru 7 procedures (in 4 surgeries) unsedated because I was able to breathe my way thru it. Parasympathetic breathing calms you down. No one knows how to breathe!
I walk every day as well unless it’s raining. Then I get on a stationary bike.
Looks like great minds think alike!
Such a great article and what I prescribe to my kids whenever they are having an issue, be it health related or mental health related. Grounding in nature is THE panacea! THANK YOU JULIE!
You’re a smart mommy!
Such a moving story! My goodness. I love the antidote. Xx I am blessed enough to work outdoors and I know it plays a big part in the wonderful health I have, not to mention the upliftment it gives me mentally and emotionally Xx Thank you for sharing Julie.
Lucky Girl! Thanks for your note.
I love this article and could not agree more.
Thanks Tim.
Thanks for a great story and recommendation. I have always believed that nature can heal us, physically and emotionally. I’ve been spending a lot of time in nature, soaking up the sun, during this virus. It’s nice to know that there’s actual evidence for my belief. We all need to hug some trees!
Thanks for your comments. I agree and was led to write about The Countess and what I learned from her this week.
Jules this is amazing!!! As you know I am constantly looking for positive signs and vibes to continue to allow me to walk in the shadow of my cancer and the lighting of the Lord our savior. This touched me tonight as I’m perusing Facebook for spiritual messages after a long day at chemo. I am so far surviving 3.5 years of a 1 year sentence. The sun and air are things that make me happy and sustained along with friends, prayer and a let go let God mantra. Oh and of course the nectar a poison like chemo provides. My last scan showed stability and improvement in a dead end prognosis. I look forward to reading many more of your writings. Thank you!!!!
Hang in there girl! You’ve been through a lot in the past few years and I’m sending you lots of good mojo and a big hug too!
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