Cindy from San Pedro, CA, asked:
Hi Julie,
My mom has several medical conditions and just one of them is cancer.
She seems comfortable but I would like to know where she is in her transition.
She talks about relatives that are deceased and I was wondering if they are already coming for her and are preparing her for her transition.
Although she is very sick, she doesn’t seem like she is in the dying process yet.
Her name is Lucy.
Thank you!
Hi Cindy,
In order to get some information on your mom Lucy, I first energetically connected to you and from you to her.
When I connected with your mom, I could see (in my mind’s eye) that she is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. That means her spirit is detaching from her body and is attached to the top of her head. It looks like a bubble you’d see in a cartoon where the character’s thoughts or words are contained.
Your mom’s deceased parents are at her feet and they anchor a semi-circle of angels. Behind them are lots of deceased family and friends. I call this group the “Welcome to Heaven Committee”. In addition, there are two angels on either side of your mom’s spirit bubble. They will eventually create a vortex above your mom’s head from moving their wings. This vortex will have an upward pull and help her spirit separate from her body.
It’s quite common for people to mention and even say they see deceased loved ones as they’re approaching death. Most hospice literature advises the family to expect this. At this point, it’s as if your mom has one foot in this human reality and one in the spirit world. If she says she’s seeing deceased loved ones, she really is. She’s not hallucinating.
You may want to read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative, comforting and heartwarming.
In addition, look for little miracles as you go through this time with your mom. They’ll be plentiful and will give you a sense of peace.
Sending hugs to you and your family!
3 thoughts on “Mom In Transition”
Hi Julie.
I just finished reading your book and WOW! So many questions I’ve had for years about the transition process were answered in your book. I just listened to your podcast for the first time and am blown away by your gifts and most of all your willingness to selflessly share them with the world.
I was moved when you answered the question about the mother’s transition and smiled when you deliverred the message in this podcast from the pets. Something that seems small to humans such as leaving the blinds open can mean the world to our furry little friends!
Thanks Shari, for your kind comments. Please leave a review an Amazon Review on Angelic Attendants. It’ll help comfort others and help people find this material.
Hugs ~
Hi Julie, not sure if it’s too soon for me to ask about Mom at this stage in her life. She seems to be more confused now and have mentioned some of her things are already in heaven. She’s also mentioned friends visiting her when no one is around that we could see for ourselves. We’ll appreciate it if you can shed us some light.
Thanks and God bless,
Marcie Braden
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