Julie Ryan

Miracle Babies

Janet from Santa Barbara, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Forty years ago, I was pregnant with quadruplets. I had undergone fertility treatments in Los Angeles with the best doctors (I’m a nurse, and my husband is a doctor). My physician couldn’t ever explain why there were so many babies because all my scans were normal. They said I was just meant to have four children.

At twenty-four weeks, while on bed rest at a nearby hospital, I was accidentally overdosed with medication. My water bag broke and I delivered three girls and a boy on Christmas Day, 1982. The babies survived a day and all succumbed to prematurity. I felt badly for the nurse and forgave her, I know how mistakes can happen. Nonetheless, I was heartbroken.

Six months later, the fertility doctor felt I should try again and said the result of being pregnant with four babies was a fluke and couldn’t be explained. Well, this time I got pregnant with five, one child in my fallopian tube, four in my uterus.

I had surgery to remove the baby and tube. The doctors figured out I was still pregnant on a scan a few days later and was able to carry the babies to twenty-nine weeks, three boys and one girl … thirty-nine years old today and healthy. A miracle for sure, especially back in 1983.

After the four babies were born, the doctors told me I could never get pregnant again and funny, a year later, I got pregnant and had another daughter.

I often think about the babies I lost. I know I will see them again, but often wish I could converse with them and let them know how much I’ve loved them.

All five of my children are true miracles and I often think God blessed me abundantly for trusting and believing He had my best interest at heart.

Can you let me know that my four angels in spirit (five with the baby in the fallopian tube), are going to be there to greet me in Heaven someday?

Thank you,


Hi Janet,

Wow, what a story!

Calling your children, all ten of them, miracle babies, is an understatement!

Not only will all of your deceased babies greet you when you arrive in Heaven (along with the spirits of many other deceased relatives, friends, and pets), they’re around you now and you can communicate with them anytime you wish.

Here’s how. Our heads are like big satellite dishes that transmit and receive frequencies. And since every spirit, whether or not it’s currently attached to a body, has its own frequency, all we have to do is tap into that frequency. So, in order to communicate with your babies (or any spirit), just think of them. That’ll tune your satellite dish head to their frequency. It’s similar to a radio station. When you choose 94.7 to listen to classic rock, you connect to 94.7 megahertz, the frequency on which that music is being broadcast.

Just say something to one or all of your spirit babies either aloud or in your mind. Their answer will immediately come into your head and feel like one of your thoughts. How you know the thought is from your spirit baby is, it’ll be the first thought you think and will happen within a second or less. Try it and you’ll realize how easy it is.

For more information about what spirits surround us at the time of our death, please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

And to develop and enhance the intuitive abilities you and everyone else naturally possess, please consider enrolling in one of my trainings.

Thanks for your question. I hope my answer comforts you.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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