
Julie Ryan

Migraine Relief

Bente from Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have had migraine headaches since I was 17 years old and I am now 73!

Can you help me figure out what I can do to be free from my migraines?

Thank you.

Hi Bente,

Hate to hear you’re suffering from migraines. I can personally attest to the fact that migraine pain is worse than labor pain. At least when we’re in labor, we get a few seconds of rest between contractions. With migraines, there is no relief, just unrelenting pain for hours or however long the episode lasts.

Migraine headaches cause throbbing in a particular area, usually one side of the head, are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness, and sensitivity to light and sound. They can feel like mini-strokes.

In order to get some answers for you, I energetically connected to you in Denmark and did a medical scan on you. What I saw (in my mind’s eye) is, you have been exposed to mold and have an overgrowth of Candida yeast. The two normally go together. I removed the mold spores and yeast in your body.

Now, here’s what I recommend:

– Do your best to avoid moldy environments. If you have mold in your home, stay somewhere else until you can remove it. You may want to try the Homebiotic spray. It’s non-toxic and contains bacteria that eat mold.

– Educate yourself by doing a search on Candida Albicans. The good news is, you can eradicate the yeast and its symptoms and it doesn’t cause any permanent damage to your body.

– Avoid taking antibiotics, steroids and over the counter medications like ibuprofen unless absolutely medically necessary. These medicines kill the healthy bacteria in our guts and allow yeast to proliferate and make us sick.

– Eat a diet of whole, organic (when possible) food and avoid sugar, processed, and fermented foods. Peel fruit before you eat it and never put a slice of lemon in your water. The lemon peel is full of yeast.

– Get your doctor to prescribe Nystatin. It’s an anti-fungal that kills yeast on contact.

– Wear sunglasses and avoid bright light which can trigger a migraine. Check out irlen.com and see if the light sensitivity symptoms described there sound familiar.

Following this regimen cured the migraines I experienced the first forty years of my life and it can do the same for you!