Barbara from Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands, asked:
Dear Julie,
I stumbled onto your site and decided to ask you a question.
I am a 63 year-old bodyworker, coach, healer and private cook without any clients.
At the moment, although I’m not depressed, I am so very tired of not having any clients and don’t know what the point of it all is.
Do you have any insight about this for me?
With love and light,
Hi Barbara,
I’m delighted you found my website, followed your guidance and submitted a question.
At any given moment, each of us has a multitude of spiritual advisors offering suggestions on how we may live a more joyful experience. The key is learning to heed the advice we’re given.
Just like it says in the Bible, “Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you,” all we have to do is ask and the answers we’re longing to hear will be provided.
Having said all that, you may be wondering how we actually accomplish this task. It’s really quite simple. Ask a question either aloud or in your head. The answer will immediately be provided in the form of a thought. You see, spirits communicate telepathically. What we may think is our brain talking to us, is actually spiritual guidance coming in through our brain in the form of a thought. It happens instantly, within a second. If you think about the answer for more than a couple seconds, that will be your brain answering you. And remember, spirits are very literal so be as specific as possible when asking a question.
Regarding your comment about the point of it all, perhaps this time in your life is allowing an opportunity for you to strengthen your intuitive abilities.
As for your not having any clients, you may want to begin focusing on what you want and do your best to refrain from thinking about your current situation (what you don’t want). I know, easier said than done, and I also know this technique really works.
Get clear about how you want your life to be, ask for guidance, hear it, and then most importantly, act on the guidance you receive. An example may be you get a thought to network within your community. That would be the guidance part. The action steps related to this guidance may include placing an ad in your local paper, talking with management at a neighborhood market to see if they have customers who’ve mentioned they’re looking for a private chef, investigating metaphysical shops to see if they allow people to give presentations to customers. The possibilities are endless.
Take it one step at a time. Receive guidance and act on it. More guidance will be given, act on that guidance and so on. Be amazed and thrilled when your desire manifests. Enjoy the adventure.
Hope this information helps. Good luck!
1 thought on “Manifest Your Desires”
thank you Julie, I much appreciate your input!
in love and light,
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