Julie Ryan

Is Healing Guaranteed

Allyson from Colorado Springs, CO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I always look forward to your podcasts!

Please know how much you help folks that don’t have much hope.  

Are there ever conditions beyond your capabilities? Have you run across something that you did not think you could fix and did?  

Thank you,


Hi Allyson,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show.

What great questions, ones I’m delighted to answer.

First of all, I believe everything can be healed and sometimes death is the healing.

When working with a client who has a medical issue, I raise my vibration to the level of “Spirit” which allows me to act as a type of human CT Scan, X-ray or MRI.

Then, “Spirit” works through me and with me to facilitate healings. Those healings then integrate into my client’s body. Improvements in symptoms may happen instantly, take days, weeks or months, and may need complimentary care (diet, medicine, surgery, etc.) and yes, my clients and I have witnessed some absolutely miraculous healings.

It’s always the client’s prerogative to utilize the healing (or not) to best facilitate whatever their spirit is exploring in this lifetime.

We’re all spirits attached to a body having a human experience. We choose when, where and to whom we’re born so our lives have a trajectory that allows us to experience whatever we wish.

Likewise, we all decide when, where, with whom, and the circumstances surrounding our death.

Energy healing is normally part of a multi-faceted approach that can help people with medical issues.

Having said all that, I don’t believe it’s up to me to heal someone, rather, it’s my role to, when asked, assist them on their human journey and beyond. No medical provider, regardless of their training, techniques or methodologies, can heal a person. We all just help people heal themselves.

My work allows me the honor and privilege to be a tiny part of people’s lives both here on Earth and in Heaven.

Hope this answers your insightful questions.




3 thoughts on “Is Healing Guaranteed”

  1. I think it is so important to understand your statement – “Sometimes death is the healing.” WOW… in today’s society death is thought of as the bitter end the grim reaper, the punishment, and one of the biggest FEARS of life. I love changing the word death to healing, next hurrah, and new beginnings. It certainly takes the sting of death away for me. Thank you, Julie, for another great substitution word for death in my AA vocabulary!

  2. Hi Julie,

    Thank you, Julie, for answering my questions on your capabilities! Now may I ask you to blue ray me to be a 15 year old body where you should not have many issues at that age!! I came up with those questions partly from the TLC show “The Healer” with Charlie Goldsmith and why your hubby chose to have new knee surgery rather than Julie’s angelic blue-ray way. I am just so interested in your woo woo healing and how you have helped soooo many people, signing up for your course next! Thank you!! Allyson

  3. Julie, thanks for this post and for explaining how healing happens. It’s so important that we believe that we can be healed. I suspect it’s very critical to the success of any healing, along with taking care of our bodies. You are tremendously inspiring because you are so humble about the wonderful gifts you have worked so hard to develop. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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