
Julie Ryan

Is Deceased Friend Okay?

Noni from North London, England, UK, asked:

A dear friend and loved one passed away recently. I would dearly love a message that they are alright and not angry with me. My grateful thanks.


Hi Noni,

My condolences on the loss of your friend.

When I asked him how he was, he said, “Great, look at this place! I’m learning a lot.” I then saw a large, white, pillared building with many steps leading to it’s entrance in the middle of a beautiful garden. It reminded me of a library or courthouse.

He said to tell you he loves you in spite of your “rift”. He also wanted me to tell you you were a blessing in his life and to all who meet you.

He also told me to tell you to “change the linens”.

Hope this gives you some peace and that these messages make sense to you.

Blessings, Julie


By Julie Ryan|2015-06-19T21:46:25+00:00June 19th, 2015