Julie Ryan

Intuitive Migraine Relief

Marsha from Sausalito, CA, asked:

What am I doing to cause migraines?

I’m going to sign up for one of your courses now.

Thanks for being on Next Level Soul.


Hi Marsha,

Thank you for your question about migraines. It’s a topic close to many hearts, including mine, and often holds deeper insights than we realize.

By energetically connecting to you, I could “see” (in my mind’s eye), several potential factors contributing to your migraines. Mold exposure, Candida overgrowth, and a leaky gut look like significant contributors to your symptoms. I’ve cleared these energetically, and now detoxification and healing on the physical level are essential steps moving forward.

Consider taking a gut biome test (use julieryan as the discount code) to tailor your diet and working with a medical professional like Maria Amasanti, MD, to address gut health and immune restoration. If mold is a concern, prioritize remediation for a healthier environment.

Please know, it is possible to eradicate your pain. After suffering with migraines for the first forty years of my life, I haven’t had one since I got my gut healthy and eliminated mold exposure.

Lastly, remember, migraines can also be a signal from your intuition, urging attention to areas needing healing or adjustment. Exploring the spiritual dimensions of health in my classes can offer valuable insights.


6 thoughts on “Intuitive Migraine Relief”

  1. Dilcia Dominguez

    I am interested in a surgery to discover the root of my chronic fibromyalgia pain, what is the cost of the session? Grateful Ms. Julie

    1. Hi Dilcia,

      The info on appointments can be found on my home page at askjulieryan.com.

      Looking forward to chatting with you!

  2. Hola Julie mi esposa Gabriela Cruz también sufre de migraña y usa muchas pastillas para aliviarlas, cuál sería la causa, a mí me preocupa el uso de medicamentos para calmar su migraña.

    1. Hola Rolando,
      Lea el blog de la semana pasada sobre las migrañas.
      Son completamente curables.

  3. Anche io ho problemi di emicrania. Nel momento più forte e conexión entrato nel inferno. Dopo di non mangiare per due fino a 4 giorni, me viene una intuizione anche vivo nel piano più sutiles. Inizio a vedere di più, persipisco di più.
    Grazie per tutto.
    Mi chiamo Diana Blanca Ratto, ho 58 anni. Abito nella Italia da 5 anni. Sono Argentina di nascita.
    Grazie grazie grazie 💖🦋

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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