
Julie Ryan

Help For Depression

Patti from Denver, CO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve been dealing on and off with depression since I was a teenager. It always seems to come back. I have such a hard time getting anything accomplished in my life. I seem to go through cycles of trying, then giving up and retreating from the world. 

Will things ever change for me? Is there anything I need to know? Thanks!

Hi Patti,

Thanks for your question.

When I connected with you, I could see your whole body was inflamed. After applying anti-inflammatory energy, I could see lots of Candida yeast in your stomach and intestines. I also saw the brain fog of depression in your head.

Once I energetically sucked out the Candida and got your inflammation calmed down, your brain fog (depression energy) was eliminated.

I believe the Candida is most likely causing your inflammation, GI symptoms and depression.

Please get a copy of A Mind of Your Own The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives, by Kelly Brogan, MD.

Dr. Brogan is a board certified psychiatrist with a neuroscience degree from MIT and an MD from Cornell. In addition, she is a former professor at the NYU School of Medicine and has too many published articles and affiliations to mention here.

In her book, Dr. Brogan cites a multitude of peer-reviewed studies showing that depression is not caused by low serotonin levels but rather is a symptom of inflammation oftentimes originating in the gut. She claims, “In six decades, not a single study has proven that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

Reading this book will be a great place for you to start educating yourself on how best to treat your depression.

Based on what I saw when scanning you, I truly believe armed with this new knowledge, you can and will heal once and for all.