Julie Ryan

Health: Genetics or Choice?

Shari from Bonifay, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I come from a lineage of Italians with serious health issues. My mother’s father and brother both had brain aneurysms and my mom died from an aortic arch aneurysm in 2022.

I’ve had three failed urethral surgeries and two frozen shoulders which give me a lot of pain and mobility issues and feel like a hot mess myself.

Having said all that, at 56, I worry that my family history will be an issue for me too.

Love to hear your thoughts.



Hi Shari,

Please know you have my heartfelt sympathy for the losses you’ve experienced in your family due to health issues. It’s undoubtedly a heavy burden to carry, especially when you’re confronted with your own health concerns.

But here’s the thing, genetics don’t have to be our destiny. Despite the scary stories we hear, most health conditions aren’t solely hereditary.

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation states, “In most cases, brain aneurysms are not hereditary, and there is generally only a single case in a family.”

And, although there might be a genetic predisposition for some conditions like aortic aneurysms, it doesn’t seal your fate. Research shows about 20 percent of people with aortic aneurysms have a genetic predisposition to it, meaning it runs in the family. First-degree relatives (i.e., parents, children, siblings) should be screened for this condition and yet, studies also show, people with coronary heart disease and peripheral vascular disease are the most likely to develop an aortic aneurysm.

Your personal health journey isn’t predetermined. By adopting healthy habits like a whole foods diet, regular exercise, and managing stress through practices like meditation and/or prayer, you can greatly influence your future well-being.

Speaking of stress, it’s a silent but potent enemy of our health. Constant worrying triggers inflammation, the root cause of many illnesses. Reducing and eliminating inflammation always promotes overall wellness in everyone.

Simplify your life and prioritize joy with my Two-Minute Rule® technique. It encourages small, manageable actions that add up to significant positive changes and will help you cultivate a life filled with purpose and vitality. To learn more, please get a copy of my book, The Two Minute Rule: The Key to an Amazing Life.

You have the power to chart your own course towards a healthier, happier, future, so embrace self-care and remember, you have way more control than you think.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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