Julie Ryan

Healing Kidney Disease

Glenda from Jefferson, GA, asked:   

Hi Julie,

Love you and listening to your show!

I just read your book Angelic Attendants and was so blessed by the love and comfort it brought to me.

In March I was diagnosed with PKD and had my gallbladder removed. During the surgery, the surgeon also repaired an incisional hernia. Unfortunately, two of the four incisions have now herniated again.

Can you please scan my body and use your amazing skills to heal my two herniated areas and rid me of this PKD?

Thank you for so generously sharing your gifts with the world. I love listening to your show and sharing in the joy people receive from the results you offer.  

Thank you in advance for helping me heal!

God bless you!


Hi Glenda,

Thanks for your question and especially for all your kind comments. It’s really an honor and a privilege to work with people from around the world and in a small way, help them on their life’s journey.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and saw (in my mind’s eye) lots of inflammation.

Inflammation looks like red fog over body parts and your whole body is covered. I applied anti-inflammatory energy to calm it down and to see what was causing your inflammation.

You mentioned being diagnosed with PKD. The Mayo Clinic says, “Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys, causing your kidneys to enlarge and lose function over time. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing fluid, vary in size, and can grow very large. Having many cysts or large cysts can damage your kidneys.”

Initially, the energy went to your back and as you might imagine, focused on your kidneys. They are full of little cysts, some bigger than others, that seem to be grouped in clusters.

I encapsulated the clusters and removed them. I then watched a spiral of energy spin in a clockwise direction to regenerate the tissue in your right kidney.

When it came to your left kidney, which seemed to be worse, I watched a whole new kidney generated with stem cell energy. Your original kidney was then removed and the new one got plugged in to all of the plumbing.

Next, I focused on your incisional hernias. I energetically excised the incisions, repaired the hernias and added stem cell energy to create a new layer of skin. I then watched a DNA healing occur where two strands got reconfigured. DNA is the recipe that tells the cells how to behave and this healing corrects mutations either inherited or caused by environmental toxins of some sort.

Going forward, I’m “getting” for you to keep your insulin levels low to help your kidneys function better. Consider reading Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD. Dr. Bikman believes most medical conditions are caused by insulin resistance. And, in a study titled Insulin Resistance In Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers concluded, “The cellular basis of insulin resistance may be directly related to the proteins causing the disease.”

Hope this healing helps and hope you fully recover.

3 thoughts on “Healing Kidney Disease”

  1. Peter Tarnjakovich

    That is quiet amazing !
    I am wondering Julie if you can scan my left knee and tell me what is wrong and if you can repair it!
    I have a desire one day soon to be a healer like you.I just have to learn how to use the energy .
    I am giving you permission to connect with my soul .

    1. Hi Peter,

      Please call into my show with your question, submit it online (it may be chosen) or schedule an appointment with me.

      Hugs ~


  2. Dear Julie!!

    Wowza! Talk about grateful! How many people get to wake up to the good news of a new kidney, plus all the other woo woo goodness the way I did this morning?? My heart almost turned a cartwheel!!

    My left lower back felt strangely good this morning so I’m sure this is the reason!

    Thank you seems too few words to express my gratitude and appreciation but nonetheless I’m hoping you’ll feel the love energy I’m sending your way! May God Bless you in unexpected and unexplainable ways the way He used you to bless me!

    Forever grateful, Glenda 🙏🏻💪🏻💝🥰🥰🥰🥰☀️

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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