
Julie Ryan

Healing Emotional Trauma

Sarah from Detroit, MI, asked:

Hi Julie,

Since I was a little girl of about 5 years old, I experienced trauma which over time has manifested in my mind and body. This has affected my spirit and made me feel dead and cold inside.

I’ve been attempting to heal myself in different ways by trying to listen to my body and how I feel in certain situations.

I believe there are things going on in my psyche that have manifested deep within my body and I’m finding it frustrating to clear them.

How can I find the right tools and teachers to better aid me in my healing journey? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you kindly,


Hi Sarah,

Sounds like you’ve been very brave in your efforts to heal from childhood trauma. Bravo!

It’s been my experience that all medical conditions are rooted in an emotional event, be it simple or dramatic, from this or a past lifetime, that produce an energy block. Energy blocks look like kernels of unpopped popcorn to me.

Over time, other emotional events’ energy piles onto that initial block producing enough pressure to cause a rupture in the energy field membrane (the container that holds the spirit’s and body’s energy; looks like a thin plastic bag). Leaks in the energy field membrane allow a medical condition to manifest. To learn more about the energy field membrane, please read my book Angelic Attendants.

In the meantime, in addition to working with a licensed psychotherapist, here are several suggestions:

– To help you discern what’s a real fear from a fake fear and keep your body from going into disease-causing fight or flight mode, please read my Two-Minute Rule book.

– To help you overcome limiting beliefs, check out the Lefko Institute. Their techniques are stellar and have helped a lot of people.

– To identify and clear your primary energy block, heal your energy field membrane, allow your body to work on full power, heal and maintain health, please schedule an appointment with me.

Thanks for submitting such an important question.

Picture of Julie Ryan

Julie Ryan

I’m a psychic medium and medical intuitive. I can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has, I can facilitate energetic healings, I can see energy fields and I can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. I can work from anywhere; it’s rare I’m with someone while scanning them.


Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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