Julie Ryan

Healing Beyond the Physical

Sally from Wellington, England, asked:


Hi Julie,


My amazing daughter, Poppy, is 11 years old. She suffered a stroke in utero shortly before birth, and while she’s doing remarkably well, I’m always looking for new ways to support her healing. Any guidance or healing energy you can offer would be deeply appreciated.


Thank you so much.




Hi Sally,


Thanks for your question about your precious Poppy.


As I connected with you energetically and then to her, she (telepathically) gave me permission to scan and facilitate a healing.


First, I “saw” (in my mind’s eye), scar tissue in her brain from the stroke, interfering with neural pathways. I watched as healing energy removed the scar tissue, infused stem cell energy to regenerate brain matter, and restored all neural pathways to normal.


Next, Spirit, working through me, healed her entire neurological system. It appears she may have some challenges on her left side, which were cleared, and I “saw” full mobility restored.


Lastly, I witnessed an incredible download of information into Poppy’s brain—like computer code representing vast knowledge from history. She feels exceptionally bright, and this infusion will support her studies and life’s journey.


Regarding guidance, let Poppy take the lead. She will show you what she’s drawn to. Nurture her curiosity by providing as many resources as possible to support her interests. This will not only encourage her growth but also help her build self-confidence and a deep sense of accomplishment as she explores what excites her.


I hope this brings you comfort and reassurance.




9 thoughts on “Healing Beyond the Physical”

  1. Beautiful! My eyes are tearing up. Prayers for Poppy & her mom. Also, for you Julie Ryan. Blessings

  2. That’s one of the most fascinating client situations you’ve had so far. Thank you for the share and healing.

  3. Julie, You have changed my life as I listened to all the call ins, and your special guests. Thank you. I made it on the show the first Tuesday in Feb and was luckily selected. You worked on my bladder cancer and my one kidney. I felt such emotional relief!!! I feel so supported on my spiritual journey by your show.
    Much love to you.

  4. Thank you Julia, Sally and poppy for sharing your personal journey. Inspiring others to take back your control. WE all have a choice s.As the saying goes. Where there is will, there is a way. Wishing you a healthy happy future Poppy. Much gratitude to you Julie. Sharing and caring. You are a beautiful person.

  5. Wow Julie – I am moved so deeply by your beautiful gifts and by your generosity to share those with us, thank you so so much. I booked a call with you next week and I’m so looking forward meeting you and thanking you in person. Sending so much love and gratitude, Sally

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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