Julie Ryan

Guardian Angel Name

Mel from Colfax, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just love listening to you and following you every day. 

I am so excited about my upcoming appointment with you. 

I would love to know what my guardian angel’s name is so when I talk to him/her, I can address them by name.

Thanks so much and many, many, blessings to you always!


Hi Mel,

Your Guardian Angel’s name is Martinique and it told me you could call it Marti if you wished.

It’s important to remember that although we often consider a name to be masculine or feminine, angels are neither. Rather, they’re spirits without a gender.

We all have a Guardian Angel whose mission is to protect and guide us and we keep the same one throughout all of our lifetimes.

In general, angels are described as spiritual winged creatures and are found in all of antiquity. Guardian Angels, however, are more of a recent concept (only a couple thousand years old).

Jenny Smedley, author of Soul Angels said, “Pagans do view angels as beings made of energy, however, pagan angels may appear in many guises, for instance as gnomes, fairies and elves. Pagans are not as in awe of angels as some more modern religious practitioners are, and treat them almost like friends and confidants, as if they are here to serve and help man rather than be purely subservient to any one god or goddess.”

Although angels are mentioned throughout the Bible, the notion of Guardian Angels is primarily found in Christianity and the New Testament.

For example, around 342 AD, Saint Jerome said, “How great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth, an angel commissioned to guard it.” Furthermore, scholars believe the Guardian Angel prayer said by most Catholic children, including me, was composed by either St. Anselm of Canterbury or Reginald of Canterbury, both Benedictine monks who lived during the 11th century.

Acclaimed author Perdita Finn, (The Way Of The Rose) told me Guardian Angels became more important to the masses when Protestants stopped acknowledging the saints. She said saints and deceased loved ones were once seen as the primary spiritual guardians of people.

Lastly, In his March 31, 1997 Regina Caeli address, Pope John Paul II referred to the concept of guardian angels when he said, “Let us invoke the Queen of angels and saints, that she may grant us, supported by our Guardian Angels, to be authentic witnesses to the Lord’s paschal mystery”.

In summary, I believe since the beginning of time, most people could, like me, telepathically see or sense Guardian Angels.

Hope this helps you “see” and “communicate” with your angel Marti!

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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