
Julie Ryan

Great Grandparents’ Origin

Memie from Niagra, Ontario, Canada, asked:

“Hello, This is a long-shot, but I’m absolutely stuck. I have been doing research for what feels like ages on my family tree but I can’t get anywhere when it comes to my grandmother’s parents. Their names are spelled so many different ways in nearly ever document I find, and there’s never any solid clue to where they were from aside from what was then Austrian Empire. They went by Fred and Mary Olenyk and immigrated to Calgary, Alberta, but that is all that I know for sure. I’ve seen it as Fedor and Maria. I’ve seen it as Olynyk, Oleinik and many others. Can you tell me anything about them that might help me discover where they came from and what their real names were? I am so grateful for your time.”

Hi Memie,

I get your great grandparents’ names were Fedora and Maria Olynyk and they lived near Budapest in a village/town that sounds like Bucharon (buuush-a-ron).

Fedora was a carpenter/woodworker (perhaps made furniture) and Maria was a homemaker.

I googled Budapest/Bucheron and although I didn’t get a match for a village/town, I read something interesting. The English translation of the French word Bucheron is woodcutter.

Hope this helps with your search.

