
Julie Ryan

Getting Baby Ready

Carrie from York, PA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve recently started listening to your podcast and absolutely love it!

Can you please do a general scan on my body to see if there’s anything going on?

I’m thinking about having another baby and want to make sure I’m in good health.

Thank you!

Hi Carrie,

Wanting to be in good health before you conceive is a great idea!

At the time I scanned you I could see inflammation on the top of your head usually indicating a headache. Once I applied anti-inflammatory energy that removed the inflammation, I could see a lot of yellow pollen in your system. Looks like you most likely have seasonal allergies and are currently suffering from  springtime blooming flowers and trees.

If you’re taking allergy medicines, it’d be best to conceive after allergy season has ended. That means you’ll just have to do all that extra baby-making-practicing in the meantime!

Otherwise, you look perfectly healthy.

Also, you do have a baby’s energy that has attached itself to you. It looks like an orb often seen in photographs, like the one Glenda the Good Witch rode into Munchkin Land in the Wizard of Oz movie. Your baby’s energy is a bit in the distance. What I saw reminded me of watching a plane land at night into a busy airport. The plane’s lights can be seen in the distance and then followed as it approaches the runway to land. All of this means you are highly likely to have another baby.

As part of your preparation efforts, you may want to read the “Better Baby Book” by Lana Asprey, MD. It is full of information that will help you optimize your health before you conceive and throughout your pregnancy.

Thanks for your question.