Shirley from Saint Maries, Idaho, asked:
Hi Julie,
I have frozen shoulder.
Can you help me heal and alleviate pain?
Hi Shirley,
Sorry to hear about your frozen shoulder.
According to women’s health expert Christiane Northrup, MD, frozen shoulder can cause stiffness and pain, particularly in women aged 40-60. Treatments may involve physical therapy, medication, or surgery.
Dr. Northrup suggests that emotional patterns, such as feeling overwhelmed or engaging in negative self-talk, can be associated with frozen shoulder. Addressing these emotional aspects may aid in alleviating your pain.
As part of the healing process, I did (with Spirit working through me and with me) an energetic healing to reduce inflammation and loosen your shoulder joint and muscles. Additionally, Dr. Northrup has provided a helpful stretching video to assist in shoulder mobility and healing.
Hope you feel better!