Julie Ryan

Fork In The Road

Kehaulani from San Diego, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please provide some insight into which path is best for me?

I feel like I’m standing on a mountainous plain looking down at a walking path that forks to the left and to the right. The path to the left is familiar because it’s my now. I worked hard to be here and I am so very thankful and full of gratitude to all the things and people who’ve helped me get where I am today. My now is fruitful, beautiful, energetic, loving, and supportive.  

The path to the right looks just as beautiful and fulfilling; however it’s an unknown blank canvas and I have an intense pull to move towards it. 

Can we walk two separate paths at the same time?

Is there an alternate purpose for me in a different capacity or is my ego on overdrive?

How can I be drawn to another path with so much unknown and leave behind a life I worked so hard to build especially since changing paths will ultimately break the heart of two people, one of those hearts being my own?

Thanks for sharing your insights.


Hi Kehaulani,

What a gorgeous description of a great question. Are you an author? If not, you may want to consider writing as a new career.

I have several thoughts that will comprise my answer and here they are …

First, yes we can walk multiple paths at the same time. Just think about how women are girlfriends, wives, mothers, career women, sisters, daughters, etc. The list is endless. The same goes for men. We all play a different role in each path and yet they’re all still us.

In addition, we can have many interests all at the same time. I am an inventor and serial entrepreneur who for most of my career (and even still today) has had several companies in unrelated industries and been involved in philanthropic organizations all at the same time. Again, it can be different roles we play in what comes together to make our life’s path.

Why limit yourself to only one path? Instead, what if you opened yourself up to the possibilities and trust you’ll be led to what your spirit/soul wants to experience? And how do you know for sure your heart will get broken? Sounds like an irrational (false) fear to me. I truly believe we can’t make a mistake, in anything we choose.

When you feel what we think of as a negative emotion (fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.), it’s your spirit letting you know you’re out of alignment. We are limitless beings of pure positive love and acceptance. Our spirits incarnate and attach to a human body in order to create and expand. Our natural state is one of joy.

When you feel good, you’re in alignment and able to receive inspiration. It’ll come into your mind as a thought or an idea. Act on that idea (only when you’re feeling good) and take action one step at a time. That action will lead you to another inspiring thought. Take action on that thought as well and you’ll be led to the next thought and so on.

When we try to control what happens in our lives, we cut ourselves off from what can potentially be an even better outcome than we’ve imagined. Staying focused on what feels best will lead you down the yellow brick road to what your spirit truly desires. And this, my dear, is when the magic really happens.

These concepts are a part of what we learn in my Angelic Attendant Training class. You might want to consider joining us. The next class begins September 14th and will be the last one until February 2020. Love to have you!

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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