Julie Ryan

Energy Field Membrane

Marci asked:                     

Hi Julie,

I saw your presentation for Helping Parents Heal. Luckily, I have not lost a child. I am agnostic and watch a lot of these videos to learn and grow.

You described the energy fields of the body being like saran wrap and holding the spirit in. I’m an autopsy assistant and have often thought the body looks like it is held together by cellophane. I’ve also thought how amazing it is we don’t fall apart being held together by a thin membranous cellophane.

Your description of what you called the energy field membrane struck me as such a similar comparison to what I observe that I felt urged to connect with you about it.

Please explain once again, how the membrane ruptures and causes an energy leak that inevitably contributes to poor health.

I am going to explore your site and learn more about you. The way you describe healing the body resonates with me and I’m eager to learn more.

Have a great day!


Hi Marci,

Thanks for watching my Helping Parents Heal presentation. What a terrific service that organization does to comfort and inform parents who’ve lost a child.

Thanks too, for your comments about what I call the energy field membrane. It sounds like we’re sensing the same thing.

The energy field membrane is the container that holds the energy comprising our body and spirit.

It’s my perception the body is inside the spirit and the spirit is the power source for the body. That’s why when a person dies and their body and spirit separate, the body doesn’t work any longer.

If you think about it, all energy used to power something specific (like a body), needs to be in some type of container. Electricity is contained in wires, natural gas in pipes, and a body and spirit are in an energy field membrane.

When I “see” (in my mind’s eye) a tear or hole in the energy field membrane, I envision going into the opening and I’m shown a scene of an emotional event that has occurred either in this or a past lifetime.

I’ll be given specific information such as when, where and some details about what happened. It could be something relatively minor or something tragic and it doesn’t matter whether my client remembers the event.

The experience identified has caused an energy block to form and other life events’ energy has piled on top of it causing enough pressure to create a rupture in the energy field membrane. Energy leaks always precede any kind of medical condition and are caused by an emotional event.

Once the cause of the energy block is illuminated, it’s immediately eradicated and the membrane instantly heals. This allows the body to return to operating on full power thus helping the person restore and maintain health.

To learn more, please consider enrolling in my Angelic Attendant Training. You’ll learn how to do (among other things), energy healings, communicate with spirits and angels, do past life scans and communicate and heal animals. It will also greatly enhance your life and the lives of everyone you encounter.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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