Julie Ryan

Embracing Your Intuition

Rachel from Melissa, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

Over the past three years I’ve gotten increasing buzzing, whooshing, etc. sounds in my ears. I also feel energies; hands on my back, legs, etc., and I know it’s spirit or angels.

Am I just super sensitive to feeling energies, or is spirit trying to tell me I need to develop my mediumship skills?

I am a nurse and also an angel reiki practitioner so it does help me in my everyday life and job to be able to feel/hear spirit.

I’m just wondering is that all I’m using it for, my everyday life, or is there supposed to be more?

Thanks Julie!


Hi Rachel,

Your inquiry into the buzzing and whooshing sounds in your ears, as well as the sensations of energy you feel, speaks volumes about the depth of your intuition and spiritual connection. Your experiences are not merely coincidental; they are manifestations of your innate gifts, ones we all possess.

As a nurse and an angel reiki practitioner, you’ve already embraced these abilities in your everyday life, utilizing them to navigate both your personal and professional realms. However, your question hints at a deeper longing within you—a desire to explore the full extent of your intuitive potential.

Rest assured, you are not alone on this journey. Many of us have felt the tug of intuition, urging us to delve deeper into the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Yet, societal conditioning often leads us to doubt or overlook these whispers of the soul.

But fear not, for the universe has a message for you: continue to nurture and develop your intuitive abilities in whatever way resonates with you. Whether through meditation, spiritual practices, or seeking guidance from mentors like me, each step you take will lead you closer to unlocking the true power of your intuition.

I invite you to explore the possibility of joining one of my classes, where you can delve deeper into the realms of intuition and spiritual connection. Through these experiences, you will not only enhance your own life but also serve as a beacon of light and guidance for others. For more information, please go to askjulieryan.com/training.

Rachel, trust in the whispers of your soul, for they hold the key to unlocking your true purpose and potential. Embrace your intuition, and let it be your guide on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.


Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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