Amparo from Sacramento, CA, asked:
Hello Julie,
My daughter gave me your Angelic Attendants book for Christmas and I am loving it. I have been listening to your podcast and am now an avid follower.
My mother passed a year ago and your book is timely in the sense that I have gone through the shock of losing her but the hurt of missing her is still very present. I talk to her all the time, and I dream about her continuously.
One dream stands out more than others that I’d like to share and ask did this really take place between us?
In my dream, I went to meet up with my mother in a cabin in the middle of woods. It was early in the morning, the fog was lifting from the forest and I could see the sun rising.
I walked up to this cabin and went in to find my mother. She looked young, healthy and happy. We greeted each other with a hug and a kiss. (Other dreams I’ve had were of me weeping and her consoling me.)
I looked around the cabin and it was completely empty. There were two chairs in front of the fireplace and she was putting wood on the fire. My mother motioned for me to sit and we sat across from each other. She mostly spoke and I listened but for the life of me, I can’t remember what she said. I have been at peace since that dream.
My name is Amparo from Sacramento, CA and my mother is Maria. Does she have a message for me?
Hi Amparo,
What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it.
We all dream every night and most of us, at some point in our lives, have tried to figure out what our dreams mean. Is this even possible? To extrapolate a message from a dream? Researchers at Johns Hopkins University think it is.
In September 1999, the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health published a study in the journal Birth in which 104 pregnant women were asked to guess their baby’s sex. (This was way before gender reveal parties were the norm.)
The moms were told they could use any method they liked (dreams, hunches, pendulums, tea leaves, etc.) to predict their baby’s sex. The women had a 55% accuracy rate, the same as random guessing.
An interesting finding however also materialized from this study. Researchers found women with the highest levels of education (12 years or more) accurately predicted their baby’s sex a whopping 71% of the time. And these women most often based their predictions on dreams.
I don’t believe you had a dream about your mother. I believe you had a visit from and with your mother!
Visits are different from normal dreams. The colors are more vibrant and our senses seem to be in a heightened sense of awareness. It’s as if we’re dreaming in super High Definition.
Several years after my younger sister Joan died, her husband Regis called to tell me about a dream he’d had about her.
In the dream, when Regis walked into their living room, Joan was sitting on the couch and asked him where he’d been. He said, “Where have I been, where have YOU been?” Joan replied, “I’ve been here waiting for you.” Regis kept telling me, “It felt so real.”
The next morning, Regis (who lived alone) noticed the hall closet light was on. This was the closet in which my sister kept all her coats and according to Regis, it hadn’t been opened in years.
Regis didn’t have a dream about Joan, he’d had a visit from her and she turned on the closet light to prove it!
Keep doing your best to remember your dreams, especially the vivid ones and ask your mom what she’s trying to tell or show you. Her answers will come into your head and feel like your thoughts. The ones that materialize instantly, within a second, will be coming from your mom’s spirit. The thoughts you think about for more than a couple seconds will be your brain talking to you.
Some people find it helpful to keep a pen and paper next to their bed to make notes. I’ve even dictated information I receive in a dream into my cell phone so I remember it in the morning.
Your mother wanted you to know she’s always around you and that you can communicate with her anytime, anyplace … even while you’re sleeping!
1 thought on “Dream Interpretation”
Hi Julie,
I recently discovered you via Roberta Grimes podcast and I’m now an avid listener to your podcast as well. This question is about a chicken I have that is very aggressive to us. We have several hens and 2 roosters and Lacy is by far the most aggressive member of the flock to us. We are very gentle and kind to all our pets including our chickens. Why does she attack our feet and legs when we are out in the yard working or walking around?
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