Julie Ryan


Dorothy from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

My best friend Debbie just lost her beloved dog Chloe in a tragic accident.

Last week Chloe broke through a barrier my friend had made on her balcony, fell from the 9th floor and was killed instantly.

Debbie found Chloe’s little body on the concrete floor in her building and was hysterical. She is completely devastated and feels guilty and ashamed.

She would like a message from Chloe to try and understand the spiritual reason why she decided to exit so tragically.

Many thanks Julie!


Hi Dorothy,

So sorry to hear about Chloe. I can only imagine what your friend Debbie is going through.

The loss of a pet can feel almost as painful as when a family member or friend passes. For some, the grief may seem more intense simply because a pet often provides companionship and unconditional love.

In addition, many of us have routines that revolve around our pets. Taking them for walks, letting them outside, feeding and play times all help form our daily lives, lives that now need to be reimagined.

The American Kennel Club says, “Just how long grief lasts varies for everyone. For some, bringing a new dog into the home sooner rather than later can help ease the pain. For others, it takes longer to open their hearts and home again. Just remember, it’s completely natural to mourn the loss of a dog, and you’re never alone in your grief.”

Per your request, I did connect with Chloe’s spirit with the hope of getting some answers for Debbie.

Chloe wanted Debbie to know her death was quick, easy, painless and instant. Just like humans, animals decide when, how, where and with whom they are when they die.

Chloe also wanted Debbie to know she is around her all the time. She said Debbie thinks she hears her and at times feels her nearby. She is correct. Chloe’s spirit is in fact letting Debbie know she’s there.

In addition, Chloe said it was a convenient time for her “go” and now is a good time for Debbie to get and train a puppy. She suggested Debbie consider getting another female dog.

Lastly, Canada Pet Loss Resources, the American Kennel Club and an organization called Chance’s Spot all offer pet loss grief support Debbie may find helpful.

Thanks for your question. Hope this information helps comfort your friend.

3 thoughts on “Chloe”


    Thank you Debra Jo and Douglas. It’s only time that will allow me to understand all this. Until then, she will be cremated and brought back home where she belongs and is missed every second of the day.
    Chloe’s mom

  2. Douglas Crawford

    I know. My Rico had to be put down last summer. Sometimes I will walk with his leash and talk to him. I think he hears me. I do miss him. Prayers to your friend. Hopefully Chloe and Rico are sniffing each other now (LOL).

  3. Oh My Goodness. I just feel for this lady! I think a new puppy is going to bring her great joy. Sending lots of love and prayers to Chloe’s mom.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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