Julie Ryan

Dealing With Fraudulent Psychics

Christine from Narberth, PA, asked:

Hi Julie, 

I allowed myself to be scammed by a “psychic”. She told me lies and because I was vulnerable, I believed her. 

She told me that after I die, I would wander in Limbo forever unless I did what she told me to do. She convinced me to give her a lot of money so she could bury it in her backyard and draw evil spirits away from me. It was extortion and a bunch of hooey. Of course, I knew better.

My dilemma is, now what do I do about it? Do I go back and confront her about her lies or do I let it go? I feel a responsibility to others to expose her because most likely if she did this to me, she is hurting others as well.

It’s been several years but it still bothers me. What is the best course of action? Confront her or let it go?

Thanks for your input.


Hi Christine,

I’m so sorry to hear you were swindled by a psychic.

Unfortunately, every industry has unscrupulous people and the psychic field is not exempt.

The “give me money and I’ll bury it in my back yard” scam is one I’ve heard before.

My best advice is to let it go and report the fraudulent psychic to your local police. That way, there will at least be a paper trail on her.

In Catholic theology, Limbo was believed to be the border place between Heaven and Hell where the souls who died without being baptized, though not condemned to punishment, were deprived of eternal happiness with God in Heaven.

I believe the evil spirit and Limbo concepts were used for millennia to control the masses with fear and are total nonsense. In today’s world, the concept of Limbo isn’t really discussed. Kudos to the ones who made that decision!

In the future, only go to a reputable psychic and pay with a credit card. That will help protect you from fraudsters.

And, no need to worry about evil spirits, or the threat of Limbo.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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