Julie Ryan

Celebrities in Heaven

Andie from Fair Oaks, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m writing on January 17, 2022, the 100th birthday of actress Betty White.

My question is, are celebrities in Heaven or do they go somewhere else?

Would my parents be able to meet Betty since they’re on the other side also?

Thanks for your advice.


Hi Andie,

What a great question. The answer is absolutely!

Everyone goes to Heaven.

Regardless of who we are, what we do, who we know, etc., all humans are a spirit connected to a body having a human experience. And, when we transition, our spirit, the eternal part of us, separates from our body and becomes non-physical or pure energy.

Spirit has repeatedly told me when in Heaven, our spirit just thinks of something and it instantly materializes.

That can include having a conversation with Betty White, Moses, Aristotle, Mother Teresa, whomever. It can also be an activity like skiing in the Alps, being on safari in Africa, climbing Mt. Everest, absorbing all known information on a topic, whatever.

If your parents want to meet and have a conversation with Betty’s spirit, they can.

More importantly, you can have a conversation with Betty or any spirit whether or not you knew them when they were alive.

Here’s how. Our heads are big satellite dishes that receive and transmit frequencies. Every spirit has its own frequency it keeps throughout all its lifetimes. All you have to do is think of the person and you’ll be connected to their spirit.

Then, just ask a question or make a statement. The spirit will answer you within a second. It’ll come in like a thought in your head. If you think about the answer for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain talking with you. It’s really that easy.

Now, go have fun communicating with your deceased loved ones and anyone you wish.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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