
Julie Ryan

Twelve Phases of Transition

Dying Wishes

Estelle from Manchester, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am 27 years old and I’m currently facing stage 4 terminal cancer.

Firstly, could you please send some healing energy my way?

Also, can you please help me meet my spirit guides to aid me in this journey? I think I have met one but would like to hear from you about my guides if possible.

Lastly could you send a message to my grandma and Uncle Steve and ask them to watch over me, my husband and beautiful baby girl through this time in our lives?

Thank you so much!


Hi Estelle,

Thanks for your note.

To help you in your journey, I energetically connected to you and saw you’re in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®. This means you have begun the transition to Heaven and are surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones (including your grandma and Uncle Steve) and pets.

Everyone goes through all the Twelve Phases regardless of how they pass. It can happen instantly, take days, weeks, months or even years. And, you can completely withdraw from the Phases. I’ve seen people in Phase 11 decide to live and go on to experience a long life.

Having said all that, I’m unable to do a medical scan on you while you’re in the Phases since your spirit is out of your body. (Our spirit acts as the power source for the body.) I did, however, send healing energy to you.

Please remember, everything can be healed and a healing can take many forms. Sometimes, death is the healing.

As for your spirit guides, we normally have seven with us at any given time. You have 17 and they’re dispersed in the crowd of deceased loved ones around you!

Your main spirit guide’s name is David and you can chat with him anytime you wish. Just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His answer will immediately come in and will feel like a thought in your head. You’ll know it’s him when you get a response within a second.

I’m forwarding copies of my books Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and my children’s books Angel Messages For Kids and Angel Messages For Dogs. In addition, you may want to watch my interview with hospice director Dr. Chris Kerr whose research shows loved ones’ spirits surrounding people at the end of their lives.

Hope this information provides some comfort to you and your family.

Sending big hugs and lots of love from Sweet Home Alabama!

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Angels and Dementia

Rebecca from Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

My mother is in the very late stages of dementia and is bed bound. I care for her at home. 

She sleeps most of the day, but when she’s awake, she often has conversations with people I can’t see. Sometimes she mentions them by name and smiles and laughs. I cannot understand the conversations as she’s no longer very coherent. My mother also gasped at seeing our old pet dog, “Henry!” This is all from a woman who can no longer give names in “normal” conversation.

It brings me great comfort, as I think she’s obviously straddling different realms. She’s been seeing these visitors for quite a few months. At times she seems to look in awe (possibly angels?). 

Do you know how the transitions work with dementia? 

I have a private reading booked with you but it’s not until January. 

Many thanks for your time.


Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your note about your mom seeing angels, deceased relatives, and pets. I too find it comforting that we’re all surrounded by these spiritual entities as we transition from this life to Heaven.

Having dementia is of no consequence to the Twelve Phases of Transition™ process.

It has been my experience we all go through the Twelve Phases of Transition™ as we’re dying. This is the case regardless of whether we die instantly like in a homicide or suicide, or like your mom, over a prolonged period of time. 

What may often be interpreted as a symptom of dementia or a hallucination, seeing deceased loved ones in dreams or visions at the end of life has now been validated with university-based research.

In his book Death Is But A Dream, Dr. Chris Kerr, a hospice director, reports his research showed close to 90% of the 1,400 patients studied reported just that.

In my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I describe in detail how we’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying.

My book addresses what your mom is experiencing from the spiritual perspective while Dr. Kerr’s book discusses the same findings from a medical/research point of view.

Your mom is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition™. She tells me she isn’t ready to go, isn’t in pain, and just wants to spend a bit more time with her family.

Hope this information provides some additional comfort to you as you go through this time. Look for little miracles along the way. You’ve been given one already just knowing your mom is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones.

P.S. – Regarding our January appointment, periodically check for earlier appointments by clicking on the “reschedule” button on your confirmation email. Clients often reschedule.

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Angels, Spirits, Transition

Suz from East Hanover, NJ, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can someone be in the middle of the twelve phases and actively be living their lives, like going on errands and doing chores?

Love your show!



Hi Suz,

First, thanks for your kind comments about my show. I love doing it.

Second, what a great question about the Twelve Phases of Transition™.

Everyone goes through a process I call the Twelve Phases of Transition when they die. It involves a configuration of angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets and changes as we approach death. This occurs whether we die instantly like in the case of a homicide or suicide or whether we take days, weeks, months or even years to pass.

If we remember time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, (it’s a human creation), it’s easier to wrap our heads around this concept.

Having said all that, yes, it’s entirely possible to be living life to the fullest and then transition. Happens all the time.

In addition, it’s also possible to move backwards from advanced phases of transition and to even decide to live.

My brother’s friend was in Phase 11 and I fully expected him to quickly pass. His spirit had other ideas because he healed and is still living … 15 years later!

Hay House founder Louise Hay had the right idea when she said, “Happy, Healthy, Dead”!

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Spirit Locations

Mel from Colfax, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

First off, thank you for all your amazing words of wisdom. I’m so grateful you have come into my life. 

My question is, what happens when our spirit wants to incarnate back into the human form on earth? 

Since the spirits of our loved ones are there at the time of our death to welcome and help us transition to heaven, can a spirit be in heaven and earth at the same time?

Or, will we not see them when we die because they have chosen to incarnate into another human life? 

Is it our destiny to always continue to incarnate?

Thanks, and many blessings and hugs to you,


Hi Mel,

What a great question!

It’s my understanding and belief that we all decide where, when, to whom and the circumstances into which we’re born. That’s so our lives are on a trajectory to explore and experience what it is our spirit wanted to in this lifetime.

Regarding your question about how our deceased loved ones can be present when we’re dying even if they’ve reincarnated, it’s also my understanding and belief that spirits can be many places at the same time.

The Bible says, “God is spirit” (John 4:24) and “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Although many people interpret these verses to mean God looks like a human, (an old man resembling Father Time – long white hair and beard), I believe they mean we humans are like God in spirit form.

Therefore, if God can be everywhere at the same time and we’re made in His image and likeness, it’s feasible our spirits can also be everywhere at the same time, even in multiple lifetimes.

As for destiny, our spirits incarnate to experience and explore what it’s like to be a human as many times as we want. It’s always our spirit’s choice.

Hope my understanding of these topics help clarify things for you. For more information, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

One thing I know for sure is, we’ll all find out the answers to your questions when we die and transition back into spirit form.

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A Mother’s Love

Kristie from Hyde Park, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently saw you on the “Helping Parents Heal” Zoom meeting. Listening to you was very helpful and I look forward to reading your book. Thank you for all that you do to help people heal. You are truly amazing.

I am wondering if my son is still angry with me in the spirit world. We were not on the best of terms when he was murdered because I asked him to leave our home. He was bi-polar and unmedicated, with addiction/alcohol abuse issues and I hadn’t spoken to him in about 7 months.

He was shot in the head and remained in the SICU for 2 weeks and 1 day and because of the pandemic, we were not able to be by his side as often as we wanted. The hospital staff would call us in when they thought he wasn’t going to make it. 

Thankfully, we were there when he passed away and I was able to tell him how much I loved him. I also told him I was sorry and that I had always loved him and would continue to love him right up until my last breath and beyond.

He was heavily sedated so I don’t know if he even heard me or knew that my husband and I were there. Now my beautiful boy is gone from this Earth. I would give anything to be able to speak to him and let him know how much he was loved and how much I miss him.

Thank you,


Hi Kristie,

Thanks for sharing your comments about the love you have for your son. My condolences to you and your family on his passing.

Regarding your questioning if he is angry with you in the spirit world, when I asked him, his answer was an instant NO!

He also told me he knows you love and miss him and wants you to know he’s frequently around you.

All spirits are pure love and that includes your precious son. Any so-called “negative” personality traits remain with the body when someone dies.

Please remember, we all choose when we go, who’s with us when we go, and the circumstances that surround our deaths. Your son chose to have you and your husband with him when he passed. In addition, he was surrounded by lots of angels and the spirits of many deceased family, friends and animals. That scenario is a testament to the love you felt for your son and the love he felt for YOU!

Lastly, you can talk with him anytime you like. Just say something to him either aloud or in your head and he’ll instantly respond. It’ll seem like it’s your thought. How you know it’s from him is, his answer will come into your head within a second. If it takes longer, that’ll be your brain answering you.

Practice talking with him and pay attention to the answers you receive. The more you do it, the more validation you’ll get and that’ll give you confidence. Before long, communicating with your son will be second nature to you.

Hope you find comfort in this information and from my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This World Into The Next.

Sending big hugs your way!


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Transition Phase Reversal

Kayla from Minneapolis, MN, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can someone start to leave their body, to transition, and then have it be reversed with a healing? Not reversed with a healing but can they reverse through and completely out of the Phases of Transition?

I’ve read your book Angelic Attendants recently and was curious about that because of my own experience of feeling like I had started to transition in the past while I was so unwell in 2016.

I also have your books for kids and read them to my nephews.



Hi Kayla,

What a great question!

Thanks for reading my books and for sharing Angel Messages For Kids and Angel Messages For Dogs with your nephews.

It has been my experience in working with countless families going through a loved one’s final days that dying people can and sometimes do reverse course in the Twelve Phases of Transition™. This isn’t necessarily due to a healing, rather, it’s because the person decides they want to experience more of their human life before they die.

Our spirits are the power source for our bodies which is why when our spirit detaches from our body at the time of death, our body stops working.

As someone is dying and in one of the Phases of Transition, I’m unable to do an energetic healing on them because their spirit is out of their body and attached to the top of their head in a bubble configuration (see illustrations). I equate trying to scan a dying person to trying to read an x-ray in a pitch-black room without electricity. In both instances, I’m unable to see inside the body due to a lack of power/electricity.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

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Caregiver Strategies

Trish from Windsor, CT, asked:

Hi Julie,

My elderly mother has been living with my husband and me and while caring for my mom has been a privilege, it has also been quite tiring for us.

Throughout her life, my mom has showed great determination and strength of will (which is probably why she has reached this remarkable old age). Although I’ve seen changes in my mom and know that she is weakening, I also feel like she is struggling to hang on. Maybe there is something that she needs that she is not expressing to me.

I’m experiencing many emotions. While I love my mother and want to help her to the end, I miss my life with my husband and want to enjoy time with him and more freely visit and spend time alone with our adult children. Also, since I left my career to take care of my mom, I sometimes feel a loss of myself.

If I only knew what our future holds, I feel like I could either relax into our current situation and treasure this remaining time with my mom or, make some changes that would enable me to care for her and not feel like I’m losing time with the rest of my family.

Can you tell me how I can help my mom and what phase of transition (if any) she’s in?

Thank you,


Hi Trish,

Sounds like you have your hands full and are experiencing what a lot of people with elderly parents are facing.

A May 2020 Report conducted by the National Alliance For Caregiving (NAC) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), shows 53 Million, almost one in every five Americans, are caregivers for an elderly parent or in-law. And, most if not all of them experience the emotions you mentioned (including guilt).

Douglas Wolf, PhD, a professor of aging studies at Syracuse University claims, “If you have a parent who needs help and you’re not providing help, then your mental health score goes down. If you have a parent who needs help and you do provide help, your mental health score goes down. It’s no worse to be a caregiver than to not be a care-giver.”

So, what can you and those caring for an elderly loved one do?

Here are ten coping strategies for caregivers from agingcare.com:

1. Respite – If possible, plan a weekly break.

2. Research Caregiver Resources – Contact your Area Agency on Aging for information on federal, state and local programs that may be able to provide financial assistance or other services that can reduce your caregiver stress levels.

3. Set Boundaries – It’s okay to say no when you don’t want to do something.

4. Accept Your Limitations – Focus on things you can affect and let go of anything you can’t change.

5. Get Organized – Prioritize, make lists and establish a daily routine. Divide large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones and learn to delegate.

6. Communicate – Stay in touch with family members, friends and outside resources and ask for help when needed.

7. Seek Caregiver Support – Join a support group for caregivers like Caregiver Action Network, Family Caregiver Alliance, National Alliance for Caregiving or Parenting Our Parents. In addition, there are many online options including ones covering a specific disease like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

8. Stay Active – Do what you can to get some exercise. Even a short walk can help you lessen stress and maintain or improve your own health.

9. Attend to Your Own Physical and Mental Health – Eat as healthy a diet as possible and make sure to add something fun to each day. Read a book, watch a movie or adopt a new hobby.

10. Take Time Off Work – Like you did, consider taking a break from your job. Eligible employees covered under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may be able to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to care for an immediate family member.

As I’m writing this, your mom is in Phase 4 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. As I describe in Angelic Attendants, this means her spirit is out of her body and attached to the top of her head in what looks like a cartoon caption bubble. In addition, she is surrounded by a horseshoe of angels that her deceased parents are anchoring. Your mom told me she isn’t ready to go, is in occasional pain and she needs a sweater.

Hope all this information provides you with some helpful resources and information as well as comfort!

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Signs From Spirit

Rhoda from Winslow, Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hello Julie,

I very recently lost my partner. He was the whole reason I moved back to the U.K. 

His death was sudden, and it has left a lot of doubt. I have seen signs like a white feather, waking up at 3:33, seeing the number 111 and feel like I have lost my life’s purpose.

Can you please ask him if “it was worth it”? We never planned for his passing and our time was cut short. He wanted to move in with me but didn’t because his daughter opposed it.

Is he okay, and did he send me the white feather? Does he know how much I miss him?



Hi Rhoda,

So sorry to hear of your partner’s passing. Doubts and feeling like you’ve lost your life’s purpose are to be expected after losing a loved one and are part of the grieving process.

In order to get some answers for you, I first connected with you and then from you to your late partner’s spirit.

Here’s what he had to say:

He thought your moving back to the U.K. to be with him was absolutely worth it because it gave you time together in person.

In addition, he is better than okay, he’s in Heaven and his spirit is around you all the time. He knows how much you miss him and suggests talking with him telepathically.

Just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His answer will come immediately and feel like it’s your thought. If you think about it for more than a second or two, that’ll be your brain answering you. The more you do it, the more validation you’ll get and the more comfortable you’ll be with the answers you receive.

As for the white feather, it was from your Guardian Angel and was intended to let you know you are loved and supported.

And finally, those sequential numbers have been showing up to let you know you’re in alignment with your spirit and to trust your intuition.

Please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative, inspirational, and most importantly, comforting.

Sending big hugs to you!




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Heavenly Vortex

Heather from Fairfax, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently saw your interview on Inspire Nation. I was especially drawn to your explanation about the dying process as well as the energy vortex that occurs at the end of life when the soul separates from the body.

The reason I am interested in your statement about how people can go through the phases of transition very slowly is because my mother has been dying for ten years. She was really sick, almost died, and then came back different. I have been watching her progressively fade away from dementia for a decade.

My mother is a very spiritual person and taught me a lot about psychic sciences when I was growing up. I have never understood why her soul would choose a death like this until I listened to your interview. I think her slow death might have something to do with our relationship. Can you tell me what stage she is in and how I can learn to see the spirits that are with her?

The other reason I found your explanation of the vortex interesting was because when I was 19 years old, I had a boyfriend whose father died. I was in the house when the family gathered to say goodbye. The father waited until everyone from out of town arrived and then died 5 minutes after the last person arrived.

Later, his daughter showed me her rings. They were flattened on one side. She said she had been stroking her father’s forehead when he died. She hadn’t noticed anything at the time but when she washed her hands a little later, she realized all her rings had been flattened.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Heather,

Thank you for listening to my interview with Michael Sandler and for your questions.

When connecting with your mom, I saw her spirit is in Phase 9 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. Her spirit is out of her body and attached to the top of her head in what looks like a cartoon caption bubble. There are two angels on either side of her spirit. Her parent’s spirits are at her feet and anchor a horseshoe of angels that extend to the right and left. Behind them are many spirits of deceased loved ones and pets. By the way, Phase 9 is when the wings of the angels adjacent to your mom’s spirit bubble begin to move. This causes the vortex that will eventually help her body and spirit separate.

When researching my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I learned about an aeronautical engineering concept called the Wing Tip Vortex. It seems all flying objects including bugs, birds, kites, planes, jets, and even angels get their lift from a vortex of energy that forms under their wings.

Your mom said she is ready to go, isn’t in pain and doesn’t want to be a burden any longer. Perhaps she’s waiting for you to tell her it’s okay to go.

Lastly, regarding your question about learning how to “see” spirits, close your eyes, get quiet, and pay attention to any sensations you get. Intuitive information comes in many forms. Some people see (in their mind’s eye), some hear, some get a thought, and others feel. I have learned to do all of them and you can too. That’s what I teach in my Angelic Attendant Training classes. The only requirement to enroll is you need to speak English.

Sending hugs as you go through this experience with your mom. Look for the little miracles along the way. They’ll be plentiful.

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