
Julie Ryan


Retinal Repair

Ingrid from Naseby, New Zealand                     

Hi Julie,

With delight I listen to your podcasts and I am a follower of you and Suzanne Giesemann.

I heard about your divine sacred gifts and hope you can do a healing with angelic surgical/medical operations on my eyes.

My left eye is 90% blind because yucca leaves pierced my retina. The injury left debris and formed scar tissue that is blocking the nutrition channels to the main blood vessels that feed the retinal nerve.

The vision in both of my eyes is extreme blurry.

Please ask your divine angelic surgical team to restore and repair both of my eyes to full clear vision again.

Thank you for your loving kindness and compassion to help me heal.


Hi Ingrid,

Thanks for listening to my show and for your question.

I energetically connected to you in New Zealand and “saw” (in my mind’s eye), several healings take place on your eyes.

First, I watched the retina in your left eye get removed and a new retina put in its place. It looked like a gelatinous contact lens and was installed on the back of your eye.

The Doheny Eye Institute at UCLA says, “The retina of the eye contains millions of highly specialized cells. Some of the cells capture images (in the form of light) from the visual field. Others carry the information to the brain where it is translated into what we see.”

Next, I watched (again in my mind’s eye), the optic nerve in your left eye get cleaned out. I then used stem-cell energy to regenerate it. Since the optic nerve transfers visual information from the retina to the vision centers of the brain via electrical impulses, this should help improve your vision.

Then, I worked on your right eye and did the same healing on that optic nerve. In addition, it looked like you were developing a cataract, so I removed it and inserted a new lens.

After the healings, while checking your eyes, I noticed your vision was crisper and you were now able to perceive vibrant colors and light. In addition, the healings gave you monovision. Your left eye was adjusted for distance while your right eye was now near-sighted. When having Lasik or cataract surgery, ophthalmologists often implement monovision so their patients won’t need glasses.

I sure hope these healings help you see more clearly.

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Spirit Friends

Teresa from Amarillo, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

My foster sister Kim unexpectedly passed last week, and I am struggling because for a long time we lost touch.  

We reconnected a few years ago via Facebook but never got to see each other in person.

In addition, I have two other really close sister-friends that passed years ago.

My question is, if a living person (me) is a common denominator of spirits that never met in life, do they interact with one another if they’re all hanging out around the living person? 

I know this sounds like a crazy question, but it would thrill me to know these three were spending time together.

Thank you for all you do to help people. You are an amazing blessing to so many.


Hi Teresa,

What a great question! It has been my experience that our deceased loved ones are often around us and those they love but I never thought about whether they hung around spirits they didn’t know when they were in human form.

In order to get some answers, I asked whether spirits spend time with spirits to whom they weren’t connected in any of their lifetimes. I got a “yes” as an answer. When I asked for more information, I received the analogy that spirits can be together if and when they choose and it happens most often when they’re with you.

It’s similar to friends from different areas of our lives who enjoy each other when they’re with us but don’t necessarily associate with one another on their own.

I’m told heaven (non-physical) is pure bliss. Our every desire immediately manifests. That includes being with any human or spirit at anytime.

It seems that when we’re in heaven, our focus is on ourselves and those we love. It’s all about us. Who needs us close by? Who needs our support and counsel? What do we want to experience, learn, absorb, dream up? Everything in heaven is based in love and anything and everything is instantly available to us.

So, although this news may not thrill you in the way you expected, just knowing all of your loved ones are around you either by themselves or sometimes in a group, will hopefully make you feel like you’re loved and adored. And that’s simply because you are!

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Futile Relationship

Meredith from Jackson, MS, asked:

Hi Julie,

How can I stop revisiting a friendship with someone who is not a good vibrational match for me?

I feel a deep and strong connection to him. It’s as if we have shared many past lives.

I find myself almost unable to stop seeking this person’s attention even when he causes an abrupt end to most communications.

Thanks for your insight.


Hi Meredith,

When I first read your question, I thought of two songs by the English Rocker Robert Palmer. The first, released in 1986 is called “Addicted To Love” and the second “Simply Irresistible” followed in 1988. Both tunes seem to describe the relationship you’re experiencing with a man who doesn’t return your affection. And, although you haven’t come right out and said it, sounds like the strong connection you feel to this man has you believing you’re soulmates.

Despite the fact Merriam-Webster defines the word soulmate as, “A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament”, literature and the entertainment industry have perpetuated the idea of a perfect soulmate for every person. This false belief can cause people to forgo wonderful potential life partners in the pursuit of the “one”. 

Many believe the soulmate concept originated in 360 BC when Plato wrote in The Symposium, “Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a matching half of a human whole … and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him.”

I believe you are correct in your assumption about why you feel (as you describe) a deep and strong connection to this man. You have shared many lifetimes together, the last 87 lifetimes. No wonder your attraction is so intense.

Everyone we know is a soulmate to us. Our parents, siblings, children, and other family members along with friends, lovers, colleagues, and the checkout clerk at your local grocery store. Humans play different roles in each lifetime to experience something our spirit is exploring. That’s why we incarnate, to have a human experience as a creator. Just because someone is your soulmate, it doesn’t mean having them in your life will be beneficial or even enjoyable.

Having said all that, it sounds to me like this man doesn’t treat you very well. That in itself is a reason to forget about him and this futile relationship. Instead, focus on the characteristics you want in a partner and in doing that, you’ll attract someone who loves and cherishes you.

The author J.R.R. Tolkien, who was married to his wife Edith for 55 years put it best when he wrote, “The real soul-mate, is the one you are actually married to.”


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Frisbee Jack

Amy from St. Petersburg, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have an urgent situation with my dog Jack, a 10-year old yellow lab. He was scheduled for orthopedic shoulder surgery yesterday, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute due to elevated kidney levels.

Jack’s pain is so significant, he can’t walk without limping and can only walk a very short distance to potty. I saw the pain in his eyes for the first time this weekend.

Jack’s arthroscopic bilateral shoulder surgery is to complete a very long diagnostic process to get at the root of his pain. He played Frisbee in the most extreme way (running top speed, flying through the air …) for most of his life until he started having orthopedic issues in his hind legs in 2018 and then in the front legs a few months later. We believe this is what caused the layers of injuries in his shoulders and possibly low back.

Jack has kept me going (literally) through some really hard times. I will do whatever is necessary to take away his pain.

Yesterday, I told him telepathically that it was okay if he wanted to cross over and today, for the first time in his life, he’s not following me around like my shadow. I wonder if that means his soul is ready?

If he’s able to have the shoulder surgery, will it, along with injections and physical therapy, help him? Are we on the right track?

I’d love to get a pet scan if you find you have any openings and if not, I’d love to see what you get on your radio show. Thanks so much for reading and listening Julie!



Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear about your dog Jack. It’s so hard to watch our pets suffer, especially when no one seems to be able to identify what’s causing the pain.

In order to get some information for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Jack.

When I got Jack on my “radar” (got an image of him in my mind’s eye), the energy went to his lower spine over his back legs. I “saw” (again in my mind’s eye) what looked like bone spurs in his lumbosacral spine over his hips and back legs. I also “saw” what looked like arthritis. To me, arthritis looks like whitish mineral deposits found on a leaky copper pipe. An energetic healing was done to remove the bone spurs and arthritis.

Next, the energy went to Jack’s left shoulder. It looked like he had a pinched tendon. I watched a healing performed that released the tendon.

As for his problematic kidney function levels, did your vet tell you they didn’t want to do the surgery because his kidneys may have trouble processing the anesthesia that would be used? I’m sure they’ll have a protocol to help Jack with his kidney issues. In the meantime, I energetically flushed and gave his kidneys a tune-up.

The most important thing for you to know is, right now, Jack isn’t dying. His spirit is very much in his body.

When I asked if Jack’s shoulder surgery would be successful, I “got” a yes. When I asked if it would relieve his pain, again I “got” a yes. When I asked if Jack would benefit from injections and physical therapy post-op, I “got” a yes for the third time.

These answers tell me you are indeed on the right track and that Jack will recover from the pain he is now experiencing.

Hope this helps and hope Jack feels better soon.

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Mystery Pen Pal

Siobhan from Galway, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

We are your ordinary average family with two teenage sons, and we have been receiving anonymous and abusive letters over the past year. In all, 30 handwritten letters have been received and posted to our workplaces and home. The letters started in January 2020 and have continued since. 

These letters accuse my husband of stealing money, sexual harassment in the workplace, and of having numerous affairs. They also accuse our eldest son of taking and dealing drugs. 

The letters claim we were being watched going and leaving work, have commented on my weight and have gotten very personal in a nasty way. The letters contained a lot of information about us that only someone who knows us really, really, well would have known.

The person sending the letters is obviously incredibly unwell and looking for us to lose our jobs and to break up our family unit. The local police are trying to help us but at the time of writing this email have come up with nothing. 

Can you shine some light on our situation? This has been the most horrendous 8 months of our lives.



Hi Siobhan,

Wow, I can’t even imagine the nightmare you and your family have experienced since the first of the year.

When asking Spirit for information about the person sending these threatening letters, I “get” it’s a woman, perhaps named Margaret, who works with your husband.

I also “get” she obviously has emotional problems and unbeknownst to him, has “feelings” for your husband. The old saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” (from the play The Mourning Bride, 1697) seems to apply in your situation.

You mentioned your local police hadn’t been able to solve this crime, so it may be time to involve the Special Detective Unit (SDU) of the Garda Síochána (“The Guards” – national police service of the Republic of Ireland). It seems to me since the letters are being sent through the mail and are terrorizing you and your family, federal law enforcement needs to be called. They would certainly have more resources than your local police.

In the meantime, it’s important to remember, no one can create in our world unless we let them because no one can control our thoughts. Terrorism is designed to create fear, and make no mistake, the person sending these letters is a terrorist.

A simple way to help you combat fear is to use a technique I call the “Two Minute Rule”. Here’s how it works …

When you’re feeling any kind of negative emotion, (anger, fear, stress, depression, etc.), ask yourself if the current situation will kill you in the next two minutes. If it will, change the conditions (get out of the street before the truck runs over you). If, however, the answer to the question is no, it means your fear is irrational and therefore false. Letting your brain know a fear is false  will immediately help you feel some relief and lessen your fear. Use the “Two Minute Rule” as many times a day as you need. It works great and it’s free!

Hope this information provides some comfort to you and your family as you discover and eventually prosecute this mystery letter sender.


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Lost My Baby

Amber from Denver, CO, asked:

Hi Julie,

My son passed away not long after I was hit by a semi-truck. He was a full-term fetus. My placenta abrupted so the umbilical cord was starving him.

Afterwards, the doctors said they thought I was further along in my pregnancy which meant I should have been watched more carefully and been induced.

I was in an abusive relationship and my husband abandoned me after not showing up for my son’s delivery. He is convinced it was my fault and I wonder if I could have done better.  I’m having a hard time not blaming myself. 

Am I the reason he isn’t here? Is my baby with my deceased grandmother? Why did this happen?



Hi Amber,

I am so sorry to hear about you losing your baby. I can’t even imagine the pain you have experienced in dealing with this tragedy.

The Cleveland Clinic says, “Placental abruption is the premature separation (abruption) of the placenta from the uterus before childbirth.” The Clinic goes on to say, “Placental abruption can be life-threatening to the baby and sometimes to the mother. It can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, blood loss in the mother, and in rare cases, it can cause the baby’s death.”

First and foremost, yes, your baby son’s spirit is with your grandmother’s spirit and they’re both around you all the time.

Second and just as important, we all (even fetuses) decide when, where, how and who’s with us when we pass. We have no control of when or how someone else dies. All funeral directors have many stories about families who held a vigil with their loved one as they lay dying only to have the person pass while they were left alone for a few minutes.

You ask why this happened. The best explanation I can give you is because your son’s spirit chose to experience what it was like to die right before he was to be born. Although it’s hard for us to wrap our human minds around that concept, I’ve heard it countless times.

Since we live many lives, perhaps your son was a parent, grandparent, sibling, etc. who lost a full-term baby in a past life. And perhaps his spirit chose this lifetime to gain perspective from what it was like to be the baby who wasn’t born.

Please know your baby son was surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones when he died. More information about what happens as we pass can be found in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

I hope you find some comfort in my responses to your questions.

Sending big hugs your way.

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Abdominal Pain

Kim from Bay Minette, AL, asked:

Hello Julie,

I recently found your podcast and have enjoyed your show so much. I find it amazing that you are not far from me in Sweet Home Alabama!

I am having a reoccurrence of diverticulitis and IBS attacks. They put my life on hold for several days and I have to go on liquid diets and work my way back up to normal eating habits.

Can you scan me and tell me what could be causing these attacks and what I can do to ward them off? I’ve never had any known stomach issues until after my father passed in 2013. Since then, I average 3-5 attacks a year, sometimes more.

I’ve had tests done and I definitely have diverticulosis. A recent GI doctor said my stomach issues are not so much from the diverticulosis, but from IBS-C. 

Thank you so much for your help!


Hi Kim,

Nice to hear from a fellow Alabamian! Hate that you’re experiencing stomach pain.

The Mayo Clinic says, “Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. They are found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula are common, especially after age 40, and seldom cause problems.

The presence of diverticula is known as diverticulosis. When one or more of the pouches become inflamed, and in some cases infected, that condition is known as diverticulitis. Diverticulitis can cause severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea and a marked change in your bowel habits.

Mild diverticulitis can be treated with rest, changes in diet and antibiotics. Severe or recurring diverticulitis may require surgery.”

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and did a scan of your abdomen.

I saw (in my mind’s eye) what looked like an inflamed GI tract. In particular, there were so many little diverticula (small pockets), your intestines looked like a pomegranate without seeds.

Next, I watched (again in my mind’s eye), a healing occur. I first applied anti-inflammatory energy and then your colon was irrigated to remove any food particles. Then, stem cell energy used to fill in the little pockets. A vortex formed above your abdomen and transformed the stem cell energy into new intestinal tissue. The result was a smooth inner lining of your colon. No more pockets!

Since a large part of our immune system is located in the gut, please consider getting your gut biome tested. This test is available without a doctor’s order and can be done at home. It will tell you based on the trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. that comprise the ecosystem in your gut, the best foods for you to eat and avoid. And, since food is the best medicine, this information will help you heal your body.

Thanks for your question. Hope you feel better.

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Peggy from Palm Beach, FL, asked:                                      

Hi Julie,

Thank you for helping people around the world. You’re so kind to everyone and provide a lot of comfort to those who seem to need it most. Hope I too can benefit from some of your positive energy.

My issue seems to be centered around blame. It’s as if I get blamed for all the things that are wrong in my world.

My family blames me for my father’s death. Since I was the one who lived in the same town as my dad, my siblings think I should’ve known he was sick and insisted he see a doctor. I did, both, and he chose not to go.

My co-workers blame me whenever anything goes wrong in our department, even things for which I’m not responsible.

And finally, my husband blames me when things break around our home. As if I’m somehow purposely making appliances malfunction.

It’s exhausting.

What can I do to stop being the focus of this blame game?

Love and light,


Hi Peggy,

Thanks for your kind comments and for submitting such an interesting question.

With all of the pandemic and social unrest issues our world is experiencing, blame does seem to be a current mantra for just about everything.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember we can’t affect anyone else’s reality because we can’t control what they think. Likewise, no one can affect our reality for the same reason, they can’t control what we think.

People initially blame others for problems in their lives because it makes them feel better. Blame allows people to avoid taking responsibility for their negative circumstances.

When blame is involved, nobody benefits. It’s detrimental to the blamer who can eventually feel hopeless to change their circumstances as well as to the victim who feels persecuted.

Focus on your thoughts, what feels good to you. Do your best to avoid a reaction when someone blames you for something you didn’t do.

Look at the situation from a different perspective. Perhaps the person doing the blaming is having some difficulties you’re unaware of. Perhaps they’re jealous of you and your life. Perhaps they choose to make you the center of unwanted attention because they’re insecure and don’t want anyone to notice them.

When you come from a compassionate place, everyone benefits, even you!

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Phase of Transition

Kris from Lincoln, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

My father Bill is in late stage Alzheimer’s in Austin, Texas.  

I am surprised that he is still with us and suspect he is holding on for some reason. 

What stage is he in, and how might I help him in his transition?



Hi Kris,

So sorry to hear about your dad.

In order to get some information for you, I first energetically connected to you in Massachusetts and from you to your dad in Texas. He is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition.

This means his spirit is out of his body and is attached to the top of his head. It looks like the bubble you’d see in a cartoon containing the character’s words or thoughts. I call this the spirit bubble.

Your dad is surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones, including his parents and deceased pets, and there is an angel on either side of his spirit bubble.

I asked Bill the three questions I always ask a dying person …

– Are you ready to go? He said yes.

– Are you in pain? He said no.

– What do you need? He said his family.

When I asked if he needed his family with him, he said no, he just wanted to know they would be waiting for him when he got to Heaven. I assured him they would.

You can determine where he is in the transition process by asking (either aloud or in your head) what phase of transition your dad is in. The answer will immediately come to you and will feel like your thought. Remember, spirit communicates telepathically.

Once the phase is identified, refer to the chart on my website for an image of the configuration of angels and spirits. By using this method, you can get an idea of how close to dying he is by how quickly he’s advancing through the phases.

You can also ask the three questions mentioned above (either aloud or in your head) and receive answers telepathically. They’ll be the ones that immediately come into your head within a second. If you think about an answer for longer than a couple of seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you.

For more detailed information on what happens as we transition, please get a copy of my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

Sending big hugs to you and your family.

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