
Julie Ryan

Pet Psychic

Feline Frailty

Cathleen from Woodbine, MD, asked:

Hi Julie,

I volunteer at a cat rescue and go there daily to feed Ana, a young female Siamese cat who has an unnamed neurological problem that limits her mobility. She is only able to move her head, neck and shoulders.  

Ana also has a seizure disorder. She has shown improvement over the past few months taking oral Doxycycline.  Before that she had even less mobility.  She is a much loved cat and seems happy but we would all love to know what can be done to help her significantly. 

Thanks and blessings to you new friend!


Hi Cathleen,

How wonderful of you to volunteer at a cat rescue and be so concerned about Ana the Siamese.

In order to get some information, I first energetically connected to you in Maryland and from you to Ana the cat.

Once I got her on my radar, the energy went directly to the inside of her head. There I saw what looked like a lot of scar tissue in the center of her brain that was preventing her neurological system from operating correctly. It was literally a case of “wires getting crossed”.

Based on what I saw, this condition looked like it was congenital and had something to do with her neurological system not being properly formed as she was developing in utero.

I watched a healing occur where the scar tissue in Ana’s brain was removed. Then stem cell energy filled in the divots where the scar tissue had been and generated new brain matter. Stem cell energy looks like clear fog with sparkles in it and has a gelatinous consistency. It is used to generate whatever type of material (bone, muscle, tissue, etc.) is needed.

Once the new brain tissue was in place, Ana’s neural pathways lit up and immediately positioned themselves into a correct neurological layout.

In summary, Ana’s brain now looks like that of a normally functioning cat. You might want to investigate using the antioxidant Glutathione to help alleviate Ana’s symptoms. It has been shown to improve seizures and Parkinson’s Disease in both humans and pets.

It’ll be interesting to see if Ana’s symptoms are noticeably different.

Please let us know.

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Deceased Dog Messages

Tina from Norco, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I had to help my dog Taela pass this week and I have a few questions. 

She had bone cancer and although I had her arm amputated, the cancer came back within a few months. All I wanted was for her to be happy, healthy and pain free. 

So, I’d like to know who she is with on the other side (animal or human) and is she okay with the decisions I made for her? My last question is … what was her favorite Halloween costume?

I know that sounds funny, but she always seemed so happy to dress up.

Any messages you can pass on to me from Taela will help my heart heal. 

Thank you for your time and all that you do with your special gift.

Hi Tina,

Thanks for your kind words.

My condolences on the loss of Taela. Losing a beloved pet can be excruciating and sometimes seems almost as bad as losing a close relative or friend.

In order to answer your questions, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Taela. She was standing to your right and here’s what she had to say:

Taela is grateful you made the decisions you did. She told me she would’ve been okay if you had put her down earlier but knew you needed more time with her and likewise, she needed more time with you.

Taela is always around you in spirit form and she thinks that’s great. She especially loves getting to go with you wherever you go. Pay attention to the little signs Taela uses to let you know she’s close by. If you think you heard, felt, or smelled Taela, you did. And, if you think you saw her out of the corner of your eye, you’re correct, you did.

Your Taela didn’t particularly care for being dressed up in any costumes, rather, she enjoyed the extra attention and making you happy. She showed me how she used to dance around for you while all dressed up and how much that seemed to delight you.

Finally, Taela wants you to consider getting another dog, in particular, a puppy. In addition, she suggested calling the new dog “Taetwo” for Taela-Two! She knows this puppy will help you heal and bring lots of comfort and joy to you. If you decide to get a new dog, please send a picture of you with it.

Hope you find this information comforting.

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Hawk Messengers

Lisa from Powell, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

A pair of large hawks have been hanging out in our heavily wooded yard for the past several weeks and they seem to be watching us as much as we watch them.

When we go to different areas of our home, the hawks fly to trees directly outside of the rooms we’re in and position themselves so they can be seen and can see us.

During the 23 years we’ve lived here, we’ve seen an occasional hawk in our yard but never a pair and never for this length of time.

These hawks have proven to be a much needed distraction for my seriously ill husband and me and our family.

What do you think their presence means? Thanks.

Hi Lisa,

Before I connected to you and through you to the hawks, I was inspired to research the symbolism of these birds of prey. What I learned was fascinating.


– Are messengers from angels, the spirit world, and the Divine;

– Signal a time in your life when you need to focus on what’s ahead and prepare for a leadership role;

– Symbolize you are ready to fly higher than ever before and have an increased power of focus;

– Indicate you will take the lead when the time is right;

– Symbolize a strong connection to spirit; increased spiritual awareness;

– Are reminders to open our eyes and see what is there to guide us.

I imagine all of these symbolic meanings may resonate with you considering your husband is ill.

When connecting with the hawks, I “got” they were there to provide entertainment and be a distraction as well as a soothing presence for you and your family.

They told me they like it when you come outside and talk to them and they requested you put out some popped popcorn in a metal pie tin for them. They showed me they’d like the pie tin placed in the woods.

When I Googled hawks and popcorn, I discovered they do indeed eat popped popcorn!

Hope this information shines some light on your new pet hawks.

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Our Pets’ Spirits

Diane from Meridian, ID, asked:

Hi Julie,

I was wondering if any of my deceased pets are with me here in spirit or did they go to the light?


Hi Diane,

Great question. One all animal lovers wonder about.

The answer is, our pets’ spirits remain with us for eternity, and, they’re also (as you called it) in the light (Heaven).

When a person dies and returns to non-physical form, he or she has the ability to be in many places all at the same time and so do animals.

All of our pets’ spirits are around us all of the time and especially as we approach death. They appear in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition.  

Over the years, as I’ve had the privilege of helping many families with a dying loved one, it has been rare not to see animal spirits in the room. Spirits of dogs, cats, birds, horses, pigs, cows, and various farm animals along with many other species all form a type of honor guard which along with the human spirits present, make-up what I call the “Welcome to Heaven” committee.

Best of all, you don’t have to die to experience your beloved pets’ spirits, rather, you can and most likely do feel, hear, and see them now.

If you thought you felt your deceased pet snuggle up next to you, you did.

If you thought you heard your deceased pet, you did.

And, if you thought you saw a glimpse of your deceased pet out of the corner of your eye, you did.

Likewise, if other animals seem to be moving their head from one side to another focused on something invisible, as if they’re watching something cross the room, they are. And, if your pet doesn’t seem to be upset by this phenomenon, it’s probably because they’re familiar with the deceased pet from when it was alive. Animals, like all of us, are naturally intuitive.

So, keep an open mind. The more you trust your intuitive senses, the stronger and more accurate they’ll become.


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Leanne from Auckland, New Zealand, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’d love it if you could answer a question about my beautiful cat Alfie.  I had to put Alfie to sleep last year after he was hit by a car. 

At the time, I was and am still completely heartbroken by his death and also feel extreme guilt for having him put to sleep. 

Is Alfie ok where he is? Is he around me still? Does he know how much I love him? And does he forgive me for making the choice to put him to sleep? 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question.

Hi Leanne,

My condolences on the loss of Alfie. I love his name and the Burt Bacharach song “What’s It All About Alfie”.

So, in keeping with the song, I connected to Alfie through you and asked him what his being hit by a car was all about.

Alfie said he was ready to transition back into non-physical and he knew getting hit by a car was a quick way to get there.

He also said by euthanizing him, you did exactly what he wanted you to do. It helped him avoid unnecessary suffering.

Alfie wanted you to know that when he was alive, he felt (and still feels) very loved by you. Please know he is always around you and will be for the rest of your life.

Alfie told me you often think you hear him and you’re correct. You are hearing him. It’s how he lets you know he’s close by.

One last thing, Alfie showed me a scene of a kitten batting at a tea bag (or something that looks like it) dangling from a string. Perhaps it’s time for you to consider getting another cat.

Hope this information provides some comfort.

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