
Julie Ryan

Medical Intuitive

What’s Causing My Respiratory Issues?

Maria from San Ramon, CA, asked:

“Why do I keep having chest congestion, coughing, and sinus issues?”

Hi Maria,

When scanning you, I saw a lot of upper respiratory inflammation (swollen, red, tissue), and an abundance of mold spores in your lungs, throat, and sinuses. There was such a large amount of mold spores in your sinuses, it looked like green moss.

I then scanned your house and saw mold behind the drywall going up your staircase. It’s in-between the right wall of your staircase (as you’re going up the stairs) and the wall it shares with the front bedroom. It looks like the flashing of an exterior wall above your front garage (left of window) needs attention and is allowing water to leak into your home.

Having said all that, here are some suggestions … find a doctor who specializes in treating environmentally caused medical conditions. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine is a good place to start. Other resources can be found at Ritchie Shoemaker, M. D., Tox-Sick,  and Moldy Movie. In addition, do a Google search on mold remediation to find a local contractor who can test your home for mold, check your roof/flashing, and make the necessary repairs.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon!



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Is My Dad Dying?

Laura from Lexington, KY, asked:

“ My dad is a cancer patient who has decided to stop life support. His doctors say he should live for a couple more days. Can you tell how he’s doing medically and how close to death he is?”

Hi Laura,

First, I’m so sorry you, your dad, and your family are going through what must be an emotionally excruciating time.

In scanning your dad, I saw that he is in Phase 11 of the Twelve Phases of Transition which means he is indeed very close to dying.

His spirit is out of his body and attached to the top of his head. His maternal grandmother’s spirit and his father’s spirit are at his feet anchoring a horizontal line of angels that stretch out in both directions. There are hundreds of deceased family and friends’ spirits behind the line of angels and spirits of pets he’s had throughout his life are present as well. (Think of these spirits as a Heavenly Welcoming Committee.) There is a spinning vortex of energy above your dad’s head that will eventually help separate his spirit from his body, and two additional angels are stationed on either side of his spirit. They will escort him to Heaven.

When I asked your dad if he was ready to go, he replied, “Yes”. I then asked him if he was in pain, and he answered, “No”. Last, I asked him what he needed. He said, “Just my family”.

Please know, he will always be around you, just in spirit rather than human form, and please know, you can communicate with your dad any time you want. Just ask him a question in your head. As fast as you can snap your fingers, his answer will be the first thought that comes to you. If you think about it for more than a couple seconds, the words will come from your brain, not your dad.

I hope knowing he is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones give you and your family some comfort.




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What’s Causing My Heartburn?

Sheridan from Hayward, CA, asked:

“For the past month I have been experiencing heartburn. It comes around the same time each night and is now waking me up early in the morning. I’ve tried linking it to certain foods and no luck. Never happens during the day. Any thoughts on what’s causing it? Thank you!”

Hi Sheridan,

Thanks for your question, sorry about your heartburn.

When scanning you, I see that your whole GI tract is inflamed, especially your esophagus. After watching anti-inflammatory energy applied to your red, swollen, tissues, I could see the culprit. It’s an overabundance of Candida yeast. Your GI system is full of what looks like the white powder found on a yeast roll.

The good news is, this situation is completely fixable and shouldn’t cause any damage to your body.

Please refer to my recent post for quick, easy, inexpensive, suggestions to help your body heal.



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Do I Have Allergies?

Melda from Danville, CA, asked:

“I have been having sinus/nasal congestion – like I have a cold. I’ve been coughing trying to get rid of the mucus in my chest. Had chest X-rays and they said my lungs are normal. Is it allergies? Why can’t I get rid of this cough and stuffy nose?

You helped me in 2006 when my Mom passed away. I will always be eternally grateful for your help.  She is now one of my angels!”  

Hi Melda,

Terrific to hear from you.

It was such an honor and privilege to work with you when your mom was dying. She is absolutely one of your angels because she is always watching over you.

Regarding your sinus/nasal congestion/cough … when scanning you I can see that your sinuses are inflamed. I worked on getting the inflammation calmed down in order to see the cause. Although there is a lot of mucus present, I don’t see an infection. It’s the same for your lungs, lots of inflammation without an infection.

What I did see was that you’re surrounded by mold. I believe you may have a mold problem in your home. I also believe your breathing in the mold spores may be what’s causing your symptoms.

For more information on how mold can affect you physically/medically and how to get well, please check out moldymovie.com, Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, and Suzanne Somers’ new book Tox-Sick.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon!




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Do I Have PTSD?

Renee from Washington, DC, asked:

“Hi Julie, I am a very highly sensitive person and have struggled with anxiety most of my life. After marriage, I was diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain. My doctor put me on anxiety medicine and the pain went away. I went off of the medication at a later date because I thought I was completely healed and wanted to get pregnant, but then I got a chronic yeast infection. I am now again on the anti anxiety meds, and the yeast infection is almost gone. I am very grateful for the anxiety meds but wonder if I will need to be on them for the rest of my life? I think all my anxiety and these strange chronic pelvic pain syndromes are a form PTSD, but my childhood was fairly good except for a couple of things so it’s confusing for me. Am I just more affected because I am so highly sensitive? I don’t know. Thank you, Renee”

Hi Renee,

Many times doctors put patients (especially women) on anti-anxiety meds when they don’t know what’s causing or how to treat symptoms.

In your case, when scanning you, I see pelvic inflammation, an energy leak in the same area, and a lot of yeast throughout your entire system.

Having said all that, I believe ALL of your past and present symptoms, including the anxiety, and your GYN issues, are being caused by a chronic overabundance of Candida (systemic yeast infection). And, I’m not getting you have PTSD.

The “yeasties” are crafty little boogers. They replicate at an amazing rate and cause all sorts of problems. Candida yeast can release over 100 known toxins into the blood stream through tears in the lining of your GI tract that cause a large variety of symptoms. This condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome and is called the missing diagnosis by the few doctors who are knowledgeable enough to detect and treat it. The reason Leaky Gut Syndrome isn’t more well known is because it’s so inexpensive to treat, medical providers and drug companies can’t profit much from it.

So, I suggest doing a search on “Candida Yeast Overgrowth” and follow the dietary recommendations. Basically, avoid processed foods, sugars, wine, alcohol, aged and fermented foods and drinks. You may want to get your doctor to prescribe an anti-fungal medication like Nystatin (a natural bacteria that is found in the ground), to initially aid in getting rid of the yeast. Also, check out brain octane oil on bulletproof.com. It’s a combination of coconut and other oils that act as an anti-fungal in your GI tract. You may feel a bit worse the first few days of treatment as the yeast dies off. Just stick with it and know your condition is completely fixable and most likely won’t cause any permanent damage to your body.

Lastly, you have a large energy field leak in your pelvic area. This is caused by emotional trauma experienced either at some point in your life, or in a past life. Emotional issues always precede physical/medical conditions by disrupting the body’s energy flow. I’ll be delighted to help you explore the cause and heal that leak one on one.

For more than twenty years in working with hundreds of people, I’ve come to believe there are three necessary components to healing our bodies. They are: Diagnosing what’s causing the symptom, Healing the medical origin of the symptom, and identifying the Emotional catalyst that caused the health issue.

Hope this helps.



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Are My Symptoms Related?

Summer from Gardendale, Alabama asked:

“I have had lifelong back/kidney and migraine problems and I was just wondering if you could tell the cause. I’ve had numerous scans and tests since I was a child and there’s never been anything significant show up, yet the problems persist. Is there any way these things could be connected? I was really hoping you could give me an insight on what was going on. I look forward to hearing from you.”

Hi Summer,

When scanning you, I see (in my mind’s eye) that both of your kidneys are inflamed and swollen causing your back pain. I’m also getting your uric acid levels are very high causing your kidney issues. On top of that, you have a systemic yeast infection (overgrowth of Candida yeast) throughout your body. Picture the white powder found on a yeast roll and then picture that white powder throughout the inside of your GI tract and in your kidneys.

After seeing all of the above, I Googled “uric acid Candida overgrowth” and found a lot of information. This quote from www.thecandidadiet.com sums it up, “The byproducts produced by Candida include acetaldehyde, ammonia and uric acid. These harmful substances (along with a long list of other toxins) can enter your bloodstream and cause a host of diverse symptoms. An inflammatory response is your body’s way of dealing with Candida and its byproducts.”

Furthermore, one of the most common symptoms of Candida overgrowth (often called the missing diagnosis) is frequent migraines.

Although I believe all of your symptoms are related, they’re relatively easy and inexpensive to fix.

Research Candida overgrowth and follow the recommended diet. If you do, I believe you’ll quickly feel better and your body will be able to heal itself.



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Cause of Clumsiness?

Gloria from Birmingham, AL, asked:

“I am very clumsy which makes me nervous.  My hands shake,  I drop things several times having to stoop often before getting it picked up and things often fall around me.  Is this condition caused by my medication or something physical?”

Hi Gloria,

I believe what you call “clumsiness” is being caused by your breathing the spores from toxic mold in your home, especially in your front living room. Exposure to mold can cause a lot of different symptoms, and motor skills are one of them. Here are a couple links to learn more: https://moldymovie.com/ and www.survivingmold.com.

The good news is, I believe your symptoms are treatable.





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All Just A Lie?

LaShunda from Jayess, MS, wrote:

“I have been involved with a guy for over 2 years now. Three weeks ago he called things off saying he was never really in love with me and he no longer wanted to pursue a relationship with me. In the midst of the argument, he insisted that his feelings for me were real, I still mean the world to him, and told me that he wasn’t dating anyone else. This left me confused. I would like to know if he’s afraid of his real love for me or was it all just one big lie?”

Hi LaShunda,

I believe it was, in your words, just one big lie. 

I also believe it’s in your best interest to avoid this guy.

Wish him well, and focus on what you want in a man. Then, be open to what and whom appears.

You deserve someone who will love and cherish you.

Hope your heart heals fast!



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Why Am I Cold?

Tee from Berkeley, CA, asked:

“I was wondering if you could tap into one of my past lives to tell me why I’m always cold? Thanks in advance!”

Hi Tee,

I scanned you and you look absolutely exhausted. I’m getting you have some adrenal fatigue. I don’t believe this is connected to any of your past lives, just this current one. I gave your energy field a power boost. My suggestion is for you to consider researching adrenal fatigue and to follow the recommended medical guidelines to address the condition.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-04-20T13:22:06+00:00April 20th, 2015

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