
Julie Ryan

Ask Julie Ryan

Is Healing Guaranteed

Allyson from Colorado Springs, CO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I always look forward to your podcasts!

Please know how much you help folks that don’t have much hope.  

Are there ever conditions beyond your capabilities? Have you run across something that you did not think you could fix and did?  

Thank you,


Hi Allyson,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show.

What great questions, ones I’m delighted to answer.

First of all, I believe everything can be healed and sometimes death is the healing.

When working with a client who has a medical issue, I raise my vibration to the level of “Spirit” which allows me to act as a type of human CT Scan, X-ray or MRI.

Then, “Spirit” works through me and with me to facilitate healings. Those healings then integrate into my client’s body. Improvements in symptoms may happen instantly, take days, weeks or months, and may need complimentary care (diet, medicine, surgery, etc.) and yes, my clients and I have witnessed some absolutely miraculous healings.

It’s always the client’s prerogative to utilize the healing (or not) to best facilitate whatever their spirit is exploring in this lifetime.

We’re all spirits attached to a body having a human experience. We choose when, where and to whom we’re born so our lives have a trajectory that allows us to experience whatever we wish.

Likewise, we all decide when, where, with whom, and the circumstances surrounding our death.

Energy healing is normally part of a multi-faceted approach that can help people with medical issues.

Having said all that, I don’t believe it’s up to me to heal someone, rather, it’s my role to, when asked, assist them on their human journey and beyond. No medical provider, regardless of their training, techniques or methodologies, can heal a person. We all just help people heal themselves.

My work allows me the honor and privilege to be a tiny part of people’s lives both here on Earth and in Heaven.

Hope this answers your insightful questions.




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Healing Kidney Disease

Glenda from Jefferson, GA, asked:   

Hi Julie,

Love you and listening to your show!

I just read your book Angelic Attendants and was so blessed by the love and comfort it brought to me.

In March I was diagnosed with PKD and had my gallbladder removed. During the surgery, the surgeon also repaired an incisional hernia. Unfortunately, two of the four incisions have now herniated again.

Can you please scan my body and use your amazing skills to heal my two herniated areas and rid me of this PKD?

Thank you for so generously sharing your gifts with the world. I love listening to your show and sharing in the joy people receive from the results you offer.  

Thank you in advance for helping me heal!

God bless you!


Hi Glenda,

Thanks for your question and especially for all your kind comments. It’s really an honor and a privilege to work with people from around the world and in a small way, help them on their life’s journey.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and saw (in my mind’s eye) lots of inflammation.

Inflammation looks like red fog over body parts and your whole body is covered. I applied anti-inflammatory energy to calm it down and to see what was causing your inflammation.

You mentioned being diagnosed with PKD. The Mayo Clinic says, “Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys, causing your kidneys to enlarge and lose function over time. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing fluid, vary in size, and can grow very large. Having many cysts or large cysts can damage your kidneys.”

Initially, the energy went to your back and as you might imagine, focused on your kidneys. They are full of little cysts, some bigger than others, that seem to be grouped in clusters.

I encapsulated the clusters and removed them. I then watched a spiral of energy spin in a clockwise direction to regenerate the tissue in your right kidney.

When it came to your left kidney, which seemed to be worse, I watched a whole new kidney generated with stem cell energy. Your original kidney was then removed and the new one got plugged in to all of the plumbing.

Next, I focused on your incisional hernias. I energetically excised the incisions, repaired the hernias and added stem cell energy to create a new layer of skin. I then watched a DNA healing occur where two strands got reconfigured. DNA is the recipe that tells the cells how to behave and this healing corrects mutations either inherited or caused by environmental toxins of some sort.

Going forward, I’m “getting” for you to keep your insulin levels low to help your kidneys function better. Consider reading Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD. Dr. Bikman believes most medical conditions are caused by insulin resistance. And, in a study titled Insulin Resistance In Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers concluded, “The cellular basis of insulin resistance may be directly related to the proteins causing the disease.”

Hope this healing helps and hope you fully recover.

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Stopping Weight Gain

Megan from Lake Oswego, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I was turned on to you from Dr. Christiane Northrup … yay!!!

I have had insulin resistance for about the last 3-4 years, have gained over 30 pounds and am frustrated.

I feel like I just keep gaining. HELP!



Hi Megan,

Thanks for your question. It applies to many of us, most of whom aren’t even aware it exists let alone affects us personally.

In fact, Benjamin Bikman, PhD, a biomedical scientist at Brigham Young University (and one of the world’s foremost scientists on metabolic health and insulin resistance) claims that up to 80% of us are insulin resistant.

He also believes insulin resistance is the cause of many major diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

In his book Why We Get Sick:The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease—and How to Fight It, Dr. Bikman combines his research with lots of other published data supporting the opinion we need to be checking insulin levels (you’ll have to specifically ask your doctor to test insulin instead of glucose levels) and eat a low carb diet. He also suggests making sure to get some form of exercise and a decent amount of sleep.

Now I know this sounds easier than it is, so just take baby steps. Perhaps you can go to bed a bit earlier and when you have that mastered, focus on substituting a sugary or refined food for something that is healthier and also tastes good. I find delicious, low carb recipes at gnom-gnom.

As for the exercise part of the equation, find an activity you enjoy and schedule time to do it. Something as simple as taking a walk, especially outside, will help you both physically and mentally.





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Paranormal Activity Validated

Lori from Foresthill, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have been experiencing paranormal activity in a fairly new structure built on our property including faucets turning on, banging noises, and toilet flushing. It is particularly strong during normal work hours and daylight.

Can you please shed some light on this situation and ask whatever spirit or spirits to stop? I’m feeling unwanted in my own space.



Hi Lori,

Since Halloween is in a few days, I thought it was the perfect time to see if I could get some answers for you about the spooky happenings at your new structure.

So, in order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and from you to your building and found several spirits there.

I was told they were the David Armstrong family and had come from the Midwest in the early 1850’s. David and his family looked like characters from the 1970’s TV show Little House on the Prairie. I saw (in my mind’s eye) the spirits of a husband, wife, and three children. Oh, and a covered wagon and dog that looked like Benji.

It seems the family came to the area because of the gold rush mining boom and homesteaded land.

These spirits didn’t realize they were dead so I helped them transition to Heaven by requesting the assistance of deceased relatives. As described in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happen As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, a “Welcome To Heaven” group consisting of the spirits of their deceased family and friends beckoned them into a bright whitish yellow wall of light. I then saw the entire Armstrong family cross over into Heaven.

This will hopefully help quiet the paranormal activities in your building. If they continue, just ask the spirits to leave and they will. You can even call them by name. Always remember, all spirits are based in love so there’s nothing to fear. Regardless of what we’ve been taught, evil spirits don’t exist.

And, by the way, just out of curiosity, I googled David Armstrong, 1850, Foresthill, CA, and learned there was in fact a David Armstrong in the area at that time. He owned a sawmill about an hour away in Pine Grove, CA, and was a partner in several mines. In addition, he was originally from Ohio and arrived in the area in the early 1850’s!

It’s fun to research the information we get from Spirit, especially when we can find historical documents that corroborate the details we receive.

Happy “Peaceful” Halloween!

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Stressful Work Energy

Tracy from Boston, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I heard you on the A Psychic’s Story podcast.

I work in the medical field in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with premature babies and I have been having a difficult time taking on other people’s energy in the hospital.

It’s been very hard for me lately and I was wondering if you have any insights that can help me to do my work.



Hi Tracy,

Thanks for your dedication in caring for some of the most vulnerable babies on the planet.

I’m familiar with the work you and your colleagues do in the NICU because I was involved with the design of the first meconium aspirator back in the 1980’s.

Because of its specialized environment, being in the NICU is bound to be overwhelmingly stressful and at the same time, affords you the opportunity to learn something new each day and most importantly, save lives.

Having said all that, here are a few suggestions that might help:

1) Be sure to ground yourself. The electrical devices being used in the NICU emit a lot of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can affect your body and mental health. Although grounding products are available, something as simple as standing barefoot in grass, on cement, or sand for about five minutes will ground your body. (You might want to stand on a cement basement floor in the winter.)

2) Disconnect when you leave work. When we interact with another person, our spirit connects with theirs through energetic cords called bioplasmic streamers. (You may have heard someone talk about “cutting the cord”. That’s where the saying originated.) It’s important to remove the energetic cords from your patients and their families when you’re done with your shift. To do that, just imagine pulling a thin cord from your solar plexus. Once it’s removed from your body, it’ll disintegrate and you won’t be energetically connected any longer. You’ll find this technique will help you feel more energetic.

3) Read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. In it, you’ll learn how everyone (even preemies) is surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones as we’re dying. Since you’ve undoubtedly cared for a baby who didn’t make it, this knowledge will help you perceive the infant’s passing from a perspective that will add a glorious component to a heart-wrenching situation. This will, in turn, help you care for your patient and their family when the unthinkable occurs.

I hope you find these tips useful.

Thanks again for the work you do. You are an earth angel!

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Arrivederci America

Jennifer from Arlington, VA, asked:

Dear Julie,

I discovered you on Suzanne Giesemann’s podcast and have now read through your website and listened to your podcast. Your work is incredible! I am planning to take your Angelic Attendant Training as soon as possible. Thank you for all that you do.

For most of my life I have wanted to live permanently in Europe. I have spent a few years in Paris and London am now seriously considering moving to Torino, Italy. I’m finding however, that I’m second guessing myself and wondering if I should just stay living in the U.S.

Could you please ask my spirit guides for direction about this?

Thank you so much!

Much love, Jennifer

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your question and kind comments.

In order to get some guidance for you, I energetically connected to you and saw seven spirit guides behind you in a horseshoe configuration.

Spirit guides appear to me looking like a version of Father Time (picture Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies or Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies) and then morph into what they looked like in the lifetime that correlates with what they’re advising you about. (Remember, spirits don’t have a gender. They choose one each time they incarnate.)

When I asked your spirit guides if it was in your best interest to move to Torino, Italy, I got a “yes”.

Next, I asked if it was in your best interest to move before the end of the year and got a “no”.

Finally, I asked if it was in your best interest to move to Torino anytime in 2021 and make it your permanent residence for a while and got a “yes”.

Perhaps getting into Italy or even getting a visa to visit make take some time because of the Covid pandemic.

Looks like there’s a good chance you’ll be saying arrivederci to American family and friends in the new year.

And by the way, since my Angelic Attendant Training class is online, you can take it from anywhere. That is, as long as you have internet access.

Enjoy your adventure!




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Signs From Spirit

Rhoda from Winslow, Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hello Julie,

I very recently lost my partner. He was the whole reason I moved back to the U.K. 

His death was sudden, and it has left a lot of doubt. I have seen signs like a white feather, waking up at 3:33, seeing the number 111 and feel like I have lost my life’s purpose.

Can you please ask him if “it was worth it”? We never planned for his passing and our time was cut short. He wanted to move in with me but didn’t because his daughter opposed it.

Is he okay, and did he send me the white feather? Does he know how much I miss him?



Hi Rhoda,

So sorry to hear of your partner’s passing. Doubts and feeling like you’ve lost your life’s purpose are to be expected after losing a loved one and are part of the grieving process.

In order to get some answers for you, I first connected with you and then from you to your late partner’s spirit.

Here’s what he had to say:

He thought your moving back to the U.K. to be with him was absolutely worth it because it gave you time together in person.

In addition, he is better than okay, he’s in Heaven and his spirit is around you all the time. He knows how much you miss him and suggests talking with him telepathically.

Just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His answer will come immediately and feel like it’s your thought. If you think about it for more than a second or two, that’ll be your brain answering you. The more you do it, the more validation you’ll get and the more comfortable you’ll be with the answers you receive.

As for the white feather, it was from your Guardian Angel and was intended to let you know you are loved and supported.

And finally, those sequential numbers have been showing up to let you know you’re in alignment with your spirit and to trust your intuition.

Please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative, inspirational, and most importantly, comforting.

Sending big hugs to you!




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Jane Ann from Roselle, NJ, asked:  

Hi Julie,

My grandson Noah is 18 months old.

He is a very happy and expressive little guy and has a few residual side effects from his traumatic birth. In particular, the right side of his body was affected. 

Although he is making great strides and his development is on point in so many ways, Noah has very weak oral muscles which cause him to drool excessively, be a weak eater and delayed in speech. His core muscles are also weak. 

Noah can walk and play and have fun, yet he is a bit uncoordinated in his movements. Also, his right hand and arm are very weak. He uses his left hand and arm for everything. 

He does seem to be getting stronger and there are concerns about whether he will ever speak. Noah is very communicative and alert but just isn’t making speaking sounds. By the way, his hearing has been checked and is fine.  

Could you or would you work with him?

Thank you for all you do!!  

With gratitude,

Jane Ann

Hi Jane Ann,

Thanks for allowing me to “meet” your grandson Noah. He’s darling.

I energetically connected to you and from you to Noah. I told him I was a friend of yours. When I asked his permission to scan his body and potentially do a healing on him, he immediately said “sure”. It was really cute.

The energy first went to the right side of his jaw. It looked (in my mind’s eye) like the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was misaligned and stretching the muscles in an unusual way. (This joint looks like two toothed wheels found inside a clock that make it run.) I disconnected Noah’s right TMJ and realigned it. Then I tightened his right jaw muscles.

Next, I removed scar tissue in Noah’s brain, regenerated brain matter with stem cell energy and watched his neural pathways light up. From what I often see (again in my mind’s eye), scar tissue can occlude neural pathways causing a plethora of symptoms.

After that, I did a healing on the nerves affecting Noah’s right arm, hand, leg and foot. The inside of these nerves were cleared with a tiny cork screw-like device, irrigated and then stem cell energy was poured inside the nerves. This regenerated nerve tissue allowing the signals from Noah’s brain to better control his right extremities.

As for Noah’s speech, I asked him telepathically about if and when he would talk. He told me he was just observing for right now. I believe Noah will eventually speak, probably in sentences from the start.

Hope these healings help your precious grandson continue to live a productive and joyful life!

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Heavenly Vortex

Heather from Fairfax, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently saw your interview on Inspire Nation. I was especially drawn to your explanation about the dying process as well as the energy vortex that occurs at the end of life when the soul separates from the body.

The reason I am interested in your statement about how people can go through the phases of transition very slowly is because my mother has been dying for ten years. She was really sick, almost died, and then came back different. I have been watching her progressively fade away from dementia for a decade.

My mother is a very spiritual person and taught me a lot about psychic sciences when I was growing up. I have never understood why her soul would choose a death like this until I listened to your interview. I think her slow death might have something to do with our relationship. Can you tell me what stage she is in and how I can learn to see the spirits that are with her?

The other reason I found your explanation of the vortex interesting was because when I was 19 years old, I had a boyfriend whose father died. I was in the house when the family gathered to say goodbye. The father waited until everyone from out of town arrived and then died 5 minutes after the last person arrived.

Later, his daughter showed me her rings. They were flattened on one side. She said she had been stroking her father’s forehead when he died. She hadn’t noticed anything at the time but when she washed her hands a little later, she realized all her rings had been flattened.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Heather,

Thank you for listening to my interview with Michael Sandler and for your questions.

When connecting with your mom, I saw her spirit is in Phase 9 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. Her spirit is out of her body and attached to the top of her head in what looks like a cartoon caption bubble. There are two angels on either side of her spirit. Her parent’s spirits are at her feet and anchor a horseshoe of angels that extend to the right and left. Behind them are many spirits of deceased loved ones and pets. By the way, Phase 9 is when the wings of the angels adjacent to your mom’s spirit bubble begin to move. This causes the vortex that will eventually help her body and spirit separate.

When researching my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I learned about an aeronautical engineering concept called the Wing Tip Vortex. It seems all flying objects including bugs, birds, kites, planes, jets, and even angels get their lift from a vortex of energy that forms under their wings.

Your mom said she is ready to go, isn’t in pain and doesn’t want to be a burden any longer. Perhaps she’s waiting for you to tell her it’s okay to go.

Lastly, regarding your question about learning how to “see” spirits, close your eyes, get quiet, and pay attention to any sensations you get. Intuitive information comes in many forms. Some people see (in their mind’s eye), some hear, some get a thought, and others feel. I have learned to do all of them and you can too. That’s what I teach in my Angelic Attendant Training classes. The only requirement to enroll is you need to speak English.

Sending hugs as you go through this experience with your mom. Look for the little miracles along the way. They’ll be plentiful.

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