Julie Ryan

Carpooling With Ghosts

Sara from Louisville, KY, asked:

Hello Julie,

I would like to first let you know I’m 100% serious, 100% sane, and 100% believe spirits can materialize.

I have been known to pick up ghost buddies from time to time. I can feel their energy and sometimes just know I’m not alone. Prayer usually takes care of this.

Well, yesterday I purchased a nice, little, used car, a Honda. As I was driving home alone to show off my new ride, I felt panicked because I felt a presence.

I took a video with my cell phone and clear images were captured as were audio sounds. I prayed all the way home and found my family outside waiting for me.

Once I arrived, my aunt asked if I had people in the car with me.  At that point we took another video, and a woman, 2 children, and 2 demonic-looking creatures showed up inside my car. The ghosts didn’t seem to notice me. I keep praying but I am still looking at them in the car from my window inside the house.

I checked the news and didn’t find any recent fatal accidents reported.

Do you have any idea why this haunting is happening inside my car?  

Thank you,


Hi Sara,

Thanks for submitting such a great question. I 100% believe you and hope to clarify a few things for you.

In order to get some information about your experience, I energetically connected to you in Louisville, and through you to your car.

While doing a replay of the scene you described, I could see the spirits and the “demonic-looking creatures” you mentioned. Those “creatures” were actually the spirits of the family’s grandparents. These spirits were with you because they knew you could perceive them. They were helping you learn to trust your intuitive skills so you can use them to benefit yourself and others.

Most of the world’s religions and sacred texts refer to spirits. They come in the form of angels, deceased prophets like Moses, and other holy people. And, some of history’s greatest theologians acknowledge supernatural visions by humans. For example, St. Thomas Aquinas said, “Souls are able to appear wondrously to the living when they will.”

Having said all that, here are a few things to remember:

1) All spirits are pure love and light. The Bible says we’re made in the image and likeness of God (I believe in spirit form), and it’s said we all contain a spark of the Divine. How can that be anything but good?

2) Evil spirits and demons don’t exist. They’re fabrications of civilizations and religions intended to control the masses and have been perpetuated through the ages. Fear is a powerful motivator.

3) The “demonic-looking creatures” you described are just spirits looking distorted in our dense physical world. Spirits are a non-physical, high vibrational energy that can get slowed in our physical universe. This phenomenon can affect how our human senses perceive them. It’s much like a satellite TV image getting distorted during a storm. The transmission of the satellite signal can be affected by dense cloud cover or other types of weather.

4) If you see or sense a spirit and it makes you uncomfortable, just tell them to leave and they will.

Most people are oblivious to the spirits constantly around them. You just happen to be very intuitive and are able to perceive the spirits surrounding you. Perhaps if you learn to connect with spirits, you’ll be able to receive useful guidance for yourself and those you love.

My Angelic Attendants Training will teach you how to communicate with any spirit, alive or deceased, and how to validate the information you receive. Please consider enrolling in the next session starting April 6th.

Hope this information is both helpful and comforting.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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