Julie Ryan

Brain Issues

Jennifer from Roscoe, IL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just started listening to your podcast about a month ago.  I love your advice and respect what you do.

For the past six years I’ve had fatigue and different neurological issues. Yesterday, my husband rushed me to the emergency room when I began stumbling, stuttering, was in and out of consciousness, and became blind for about 30 seconds. I really thought I was having a stroke.

My CT Scan and EKG didn’t show any problems. No one could explain it. My neurologist blamed it on a dosage of medication that I have been taking for 3 months with no side effects. 

I was just wondering if you had any clue about what might be wrong or how I could possibly feel better. I am a little concerned because I’m losing small amounts of time once in a while. At the grocery store this morning the clerk scanned all of the big items in my cart and even though I was standing right in front of the cart I never saw him do it. When I told him to scan the stuff in my cart, he said he already had and just looked at me like I had 3 heads. 

Appreciate your taking the time to read my question. I would really love to hear back from you.

Thank you and hugs.  Jennifer

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your kind comments. The emergency room episode you described must have been so scary for you and your family.

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected with you in Illinois and saw a massive amount of inflammation in your head. Your body looks extremely fatigued, as if your power source wasn’t connected below your neck.

Once I got the inflammation in your head calmed down, I could see (in my mind’s eye) what looked like the brain of someone who had taken lots of drugs. In your case, I believe the drugs were prescriptions. Many areas of your brain looked unhealthy and I could detect an oily film throughout your head. The oily energy indicates pharmaceuticals are being taken by the person I’m scanning. I watched stem cell energy be applied and new brain tissue generated. I believe this will help you heal.

Please go to amenclinics.com and consider consulting with one of their doctors. I believe a SPECT scan will give you a lot of information about what’s happening with your brain and the cause of your symptoms.

Educate yourself on the side effects and efficacy of the medications you’re taking so you can have an informed conversation with your doctor. A good place to start is by Googling the name of the drug with NNT after it. NNT stands for the Number Needed to Treat and will tell you how many people need to take a medication in order for it to help one person. It’ll also discuss potential side effects of the meds you’re researching.

Pharmaceutical companies are required by our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide this type of data in order to gain approval to sell a medication. Every country has an equivalent agency regulating pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Bottom line, I believe the medications you’re taking are the cause of your symptoms.

Hope this helps.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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