
Julie Ryan

Boy or Girl Baby

Tara from Burlington, VT, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a one year old son and my partner and I have decided to try for a second baby sometime in 2017. We have both had dreams indicating that this little being might be a girl. 

I wrote in earlier this year and you confirmed that there is a baby’s energy around me and since then it seems that the messages have continued to come in clearly that this baby wants to be born!

I was wondering if you could confirm our suspicion about gender, or how it plays out in the baby spirit world?

Thank you Julie, I’m grateful for all the joy listening to your show has brought to me this year!

Hi Tara,

Great to hear from you. Thanks for your kind comments.

The baby’s energy (what looks like an orb sometimes seen in a photograph) is still above your shoulder and is attached to your energy field.

This means the baby has chosen you and your partner as its parents and is waiting for the right circumstances to be conceived and ultimately born.

At this moment in time, I “get” the baby will be a boy. Remember, future events have many variables that have yet to occur and therefore aren’t definite. Free will and other occurrences affect the trajectory of our lives and the lives of those close to us. 

Regardless of whether you have another boy or a baby girl … this new life will be the perfect addition to your family.

Sounds like your holidays this year may be extra fun as you “try” for another child.

Big hugs to you and your little family.