
Julie Ryan

Believe In Miracles

Emmanuel from Abuja, Nigeria, asked:

Hello Julie,

I had a kidney transplant in 2010 after several years of battling nephrotic syndrome and spent a year in dialysis. I was just 14.

Ever since then, I have been on immunosuppressant medications.

I believe in miracles and I know nothing is impossible. Do you think it is possible to get off drugs and heal my own kidneys?

This has been a huge issue for me. A part of me wants to accept that I am going have to be on drugs for the rest of my life, while a part of me feels I deserve to live a life free from drugs.

Thank you.

Hi Emmanuel,

Glad you believe in miracles because it sounds like you are a miracle! The fact you found a match and were able to have a kidney transplant is remarkable.

Regarding your question about getting off the medications necessary to keep you healthy, I believe there is a good possibility you may be able to at some point in your lifetime.

Just because the technology and/or medical protocols don’t yet exist, doesn’t mean they can’t. And who’s to say whether or not other non-medical methodologies could help you achieve your goal. Anything and everything is possible.

Maybe you’ll be part of a solution to help yourself and other transplant patients.

Have you considered the possibilities? Are you educating yourself on the causes of the disease you had and about how a kidney transplant works? Are you interested in pursuing a career in medicine, medical research, medical engineering or biotechnology? Although these areas of study might be helpful, they’re not absolutely necessary. After all, I have invented several surgical devices that are sold throughout the world and I have a communication degree!

I believe we’re all spirits attached to bodies having a human experience and our mission is to co-create with God. Perhaps you have experienced kidney disease and a transplant so you can have a first-hand perspective that will lead you and others to what you yourself seek and in the process, benefit mankind.