Kelly from Vancouver, BC, Canada, asked:
Hi Julie,
My seven-year-old son Roshan was diagnosed with autism when he was two and a half.
He is verbal, but his social and communication skills are that of a three to four-year-old.
I would like to know if you are able to do a scan on him and if you can tell me what may help him.
Does he have gut issues? Parasites? Is he in pain?
I had a tough pregnancy with Roshan and after his four-month shots I immediately noticed a difference in him. He went from being calm to an inconsolable crying baby. He developed infant reflux (GERD) and could not take a feeding.
Please help. I appreciate your taking time for us.
Thank you,
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your questions.
In order to check on Roshan, I first connected to you and from you to him. I then asked Roshan’s permission to energetically scan him and he agreed.
Once I got him on my radar, I could “see” (in my mind’s eye), that he had systemic yeast overgrowth, and what is known as “leaky gut”.
Harvard Medical School says, “Leaky gut occurs when cracks or holes develop in the lining of the intestinal tract. Resulting inflammation may contribute to some diseases.”
I “watched” a healing energetically clear the yeast out of Roshan’s GI tract and seal the separations in his intestinal lining.
My late doctor, Orian Truss, MD, considered to be the “godfather” of discovering and successfully treating yeast overgrowth, used a low-carbohydrate diet combined with an anti-fungal medicine called Nystatin to heal his patients. I’m blessed to be one of the lucky ones he got well.
In addition, renown pediatrician and functional medicine pioneer, Sidney Baker, MD (who knew and worked with Dr. Truss) uses the same protocol and has successfully treated many children with symptoms like Roshan’s. His book Detoxification and Healing is full of advice and stories that may provide helpful information for you.
I also “saw” scar tissue in Roshan’s brain. I “watched” an energetic healing remove it and regenerate new brain matter in its place.
Hope this healing and information help your son.
5 thoughts on “Autistic Boy”
Dear Kelly ,
I think your baby is the perfect example of ” vaccine damage” ” started crying unconsolably after his 4 month SHOT and developed autism ” . these are the typical symptoms linked over and over again to vaccine damage in small babies. Julie is amazing and has helped your baby , i would continue by researching the issue and seeking compensation for the damage caused. It is not easy cos the industry knows about these devastating effects and has done a diligent work in censoring ( including Google search engine ) and denying everything and blocking actions to sue them…but there are groups out there who are dealing with this issue , educating parents with a lot of useful info through online summits etc……. They say to detox the body from the heavy metals contained in vaccines i.e. mercury, aluminum etc and that vitamin C helps a lot as well….
Love to you and your baby
Our family doctor at that time vehemently discredited there could be any association. After Roshan’s autism diagnosis, I did a lot of research and you are right, vaccine injury is exactly what it was. I will definitely do more research into heavy metals detox, and take him to a naturopath to assist.
Thank you for your reply, truly means alot.
Unfortunately that kind of behaviour and refusal to see the truth is common…:((…. It is very disturbing to see this trend…..but there is hope…many people are waking up .
All the best to you and your baby.
Thank you so much for my son’s healing, I feel truly blessed to have been heard. As soon as I read the post I was overcome with emotion, it has been a long journey and I finally feel like we are on the road to his recovery. I immediately took a moment to thank you in my prayers. I have ordered the book that was recommended, and will look into everything else you mentioned. You are absolutely amazing and thank you so much for all that you do.
Diane, I will look into Anthony William also, thank you for reaching out, it is truly appreciated.
Hi Kelly, another reference for healing is Anthony William known as the Medical Medium. In his books he provides clear explainations for many illnesses including Autism. His following has grown heaps lately specifically to social media. You can look up his website, facebook and instagram. Good luck with the healing and finding answers and solutions for your sons illness. Bless you and much love.
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