Julie Ryan

Animals Choose a Mission

Sara from Efrat, Israel, asked:

Hi Julie,

I listened to your fascinating interview with Alex Ferrari.

One of the things I’ve been wondering about is animal spirits.

I’ve heard from various mediums I’ve listened to about our pets that transcend to the other side.

What about all the poor slaughtered animals for the food and fur industries? Do they transcend to an afterlife?

Thank you. You are doing wonderful work!


Hi Sara,

What a great question, one I hadn’t ever thought of.

It has been my experience that all animals (and people for that matter), go to what some call Heaven, regardless of how they transition.

In researching this topic for you, I consulted my spirit guides who said all spirits, whether they be a one-celled amoeba, animal, or anthropoid, transition from their form in our reality, back to pure energy, what I call spirit.

That’s why our deceased pets’ spirits are present when we’re transitioning, (see my Twelve Phases of Transition®), and show themselves to me when they’re in Heaven with their human loved ones.

Furthermore, my guides have often told me all spirits choose what they want to experience in each lifetime and expand with each incarnation. This applies to animals too.

It’s like how we really don’t grasp something until we experience it. Think of when you were learning to drive a car. You could read something instructional or watch a how-to-drive movie, and you could even watch someone else drive, but you didn’t really “get” it until you were actually doing the driving yourself.

Lastly, although it’s unfathomable for us to understand why any animal would want to be slaughtered, it’s feasible that an animal’s mission in a lifetime may be to solely provide food and warmth to others.

Hope that clarifies things for you.

2 thoughts on “Animals Choose a Mission”

  1. Or maybe it’s less about what they can provide to humans with their bodies but instead an opportunity to experience a level of suffering beyond anything any other life form on earth has ever experienced. As in hell. Knowing only pure pain and misery from birth to death. That’s equal to eternal suffering since its suffering without beginning or end because we perceive our existence only as being, not as not being. In other words our lives feel eternal while we’re in them. And perhaps to allow some spirits to incarnate as humans who inflict that unprecedented degree of suffering on billions of beings. And then as others who ignorantly pay others to do this evil work by buying it without knowing what they’re doing and every step in between all the way to becoming a vegan and animal rights activist and making sacrifices for those in hell. I think the warmth and food explanation is an oversimplification and human-centric. If you watch some real footage of factory farms I think you’ll see what I mean, and that includes fur farms, etc. It makes me wonder how many spirits there are. Trillions of land and sea animals are brutalized and slaughtered every year on earth. And this is just one planet. Pretty vast subject.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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