Julie Ryan

Angels and Dementia

Rebecca from Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

My mother is in the very late stages of dementia and is bed bound. I care for her at home. 

She sleeps most of the day, but when she’s awake, she often has conversations with people I can’t see. Sometimes she mentions them by name and smiles and laughs. I cannot understand the conversations as she’s no longer very coherent. My mother also gasped at seeing our old pet dog, “Henry!” This is all from a woman who can no longer give names in “normal” conversation.

It brings me great comfort, as I think she’s obviously straddling different realms. She’s been seeing these visitors for quite a few months. At times she seems to look in awe (possibly angels?). 

Do you know how the transitions work with dementia? 

I have a private reading booked with you but it’s not until January. 

Many thanks for your time.


Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your note about your mom seeing angels, deceased relatives, and pets. I too find it comforting that we’re all surrounded by these spiritual entities as we transition from this life to Heaven.

Having dementia is of no consequence to the Twelve Phases of Transition™ process.

It has been my experience we all go through the Twelve Phases of Transition™ as we’re dying. This is the case regardless of whether we die instantly like in a homicide or suicide, or like your mom, over a prolonged period of time. 

What may often be interpreted as a symptom of dementia or a hallucination, seeing deceased loved ones in dreams or visions at the end of life has now been validated with university-based research.

In his book Death Is But A Dream, Dr. Chris Kerr, a hospice director, reports his research showed close to 90% of the 1,400 patients studied reported just that.

In my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I describe in detail how we’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying.

My book addresses what your mom is experiencing from the spiritual perspective while Dr. Kerr’s book discusses the same findings from a medical/research point of view.

Your mom is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition™. She tells me she isn’t ready to go, isn’t in pain, and just wants to spend a bit more time with her family.

Hope this information provides some additional comfort to you as you go through this time. Look for little miracles along the way. You’ve been given one already just knowing your mom is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones.

P.S. – Regarding our January appointment, periodically check for earlier appointments by clicking on the “reschedule” button on your confirmation email. Clients often reschedule.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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