Julie Ryan

Angelic Attendants

Colleen from Durbin, South Africa, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thank you so much for your continued efforts for my dying mother-in-law Mel and for our family.

I’ve just about finished your book Angelic Attendants and have sent my recommendation far and wide. It’s incredible. Truly!

My 9 year-old son Jonno was asking if his grandmother’s spirit-self knows the big picture of her transitioning, while her conscious earth mind is trapped in her body and is scared?

He also wanted to know, why does the spirit need comfort on the death process and the confirmation of the destination to Heaven and how does it calm and comfort the earth mind when you take the “Walk To Heaven” with dying people? 


Hi Colleen,

What a great question, especially from a kid.

Our spirits do know the details about us being eternal. It’s the human mind that feels and processes the fear associated with dying.

Many of us have been taught about Heaven and likewise, about a potential fire pit of eternal damnation and how we can end up in either place. No wonder we’re scared!

It has been my experience with countless families and their dying loved ones for more than 25 years, that we all go to Heaven. We’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones as we’re dying and then, when we’re ready to transition, angels escort us, all of us, to Heaven.

As with most things, when we can see something for ourselves, we’re more apt to believe it. And, as we’ve become more well-educated, our society has become very proof-oriented. We’re less likely to believe something unless we can witness it ourselves or see that it has been scientifically proven.

The same goes with the dying process. Although our spirits remember everything from past lives, filters are put in place by the age of about 6, that prevent most people (unless they’re hypnotized or do a past life scan with me) from remembering the details. That’s so we can experience what we intended in this lifetime without conscious interference from past ones.

When I do the “Walk To Heaven” exercise with dying people, their human mind experiences what will happen when they die. They see their deceased loved ones waiting for them eager to welcome them to Heaven, and their fear of death dissipates. At that point, many people are then ready and eager to transition.

Hope this explanation answers Jonno’s insightful question.

Learn how to identify the Twelve Phases of Transition and communicate with your loved ones and pets (both alive and deceased) with Angelic Attendant Training.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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