Julie Ryan

Aggressive Spirit

Ryan from West Sussex, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

Twenty-five years ago, while laying on my bed awake on a ferry boat, I saw figures that looked just like how you describe Casper the Friendly Ghost. I related immediately.

At the time, I thought, wow I’m actually seeing spirits!

One of the spirits however, passed in front then turned abruptly to me and was trying to tell me something. It became violently angry then punched through me at which point, I leapt off the bed and turned on the light.

I have carried that experience for all this time and can’t understand what this spirit wanted. I was crossing the English Channel at the time.

I should mention that there were other spirits present, but only this one was aggressive.

Do you have any insights about this?

Many thanks,


Hi Ryan (love your name),

What an experience you had and what a great question.

To get some answers for you, I first energetically connected to you and then did an instant replay (like what you see when watching a sporting event on television) of your experience on the ferry boat while crossing the Channel.

The English Channel, a portion of the Atlantic Ocean separating Southern England and Northern France, is the busiest shipping area in the world, and is known for its rough seas and thousands of shipwrecks.

When replaying the scene you describe, I “got” (information telepathically received from Spirit) that the spirit trying to communicate with you was a man calling himself John Marlborough who was a naval officer on the HMS Victory, a ship that sunk in a storm in the Channel in 1744 killing 1,100 sailors.

Researchers believe the Victory was built with sub-standard materials, in particular, unseasoned timbers that didn’t withstand the violent seas, causing it to sink.

Having said all that, Marlborough was trying to alert sailors the ship was about to sink and no one was listening to him.

I believe his spirit was still attempting to alert his sailors of potential catastrophe and you happened to be able to sense his presence.

There are those who say multiple realities exist at the same time. It seems feasible to me, and if true, can certainly explain what you experienced, meaning, the HMS Victory’s impending doom was happening simultaneously with the reality you were experiencing twenty-five years ago.

10 thoughts on “Aggressive Spirit”

  1. Julie you are so talented! Such an awesome explanation. It sounds like John, the naval officer, didn’t like the passenger ignoring him lying on the bed in the time of the crisis.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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